Conduct a search via the internet for the diagnostic criteria of three personality disorders. Select one historical figure who typifies one of the personality disorders.

PSY 560 Personality Disorder Presentation Rubric In a professional career, one may be called upon to conduct research and deliver findings in professional settings. No matter how extensive the research or accurate the conclusions, a weak presentation can u ndermine an argument. A presentation is a tool to assist in making an argument. When creating presentations , students develop skills in researching an issue, synthesizing the information, organizing data logically, and presenting findings in a n effective manner. Principles of an Effective Presentation :  You may utilize a product such as Microsoft’s PowerPoint or Google Presentation to create your presentations.  There are various template designs that you can find on the web for your presentation. However, first consider your presentation from the perspective of your audience prior to selecting a specific style. Distracting backgrounds, large blocks of text, all uppercase fonts, elaborate font styles, grammatical errors , and misspellings are distracting. Be consistent with the style of text, bullets, and sub -points in order to support a powerful presentation that allows your content to be the focus.  Each slide should include your key point(s). Do not place large blocks of text on the visual. Your presentatio n is not a means of presenting a short paper. In an actual presentation you would not “read ” from your slides but rather use them as prompts.  Any notes or narration you would use in delivering this presentation to a group should be listed in the “notes ” section of the slide.  References should be listed at the bottom of the slide in slightly smaller text.  Use clip art, AutoShapes, pictures, charts, tables, and diagrams to enhance but not overwhelm your content.  Be mindful of the intended audience and seek to assess the presentation’s effectiveness by gauging audience comprehension (when possible) . Below are some links that offer helpful tips and examples for developing your presentations: Making PowerPoint Slides Beyond Bullet Points: The Better Way to Use PowerPoint Really Bad PowerPoint and How to Avoi d it Requirements of submission: When applicable, discipline -appropriate citations must be used . Instructor Feedback : Students can find their feedback in the grade book as an attachment. See next page for rubric . Individual Presentation Rubric Instructor Feedback : This activity uses an integrated rubric in Blackboard. Students can view instructor feedback in the Grade Center. For more information, review these instructions . Critica l Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value Content: Inquiry and Analysis Includes almost all of the main elements and requirements; provides in -depth analysis that demonstrates complete understanding of mu ltiple concepts Includes most of the main elements and requirements; provides in -depth analysis that demonstrates complete understanding of some concepts Includes some of the main elements and requirements; provides in -depth analysis that demonstrates c omplete un derstanding of minimal concepts Does not include any of the main elements and requirements; does not provide in-depth analysis 30 Organization Slides are organized in a logical way that complements the central theme; transitions are well -paced to create a natural and engaging flow Slides are organized in a logical way and transitions are paced so that the material is easily accessible Slides are organized mostly in a logical way and transitions are paced so that the material can be u nd erstood with focus and effort Slides are organized in a way that is illogical OR transitions are paced so that th e material cannot be understood 20 Critical Thinking Draws insightful conclusions that are thoroughly defended with evidence and examples Draws informed conclusions that are justified with evidence Draws logical conclusions, bu t does not defend with evidence Do es not draw logical conclusions 25 Visual Appeal There is a consistent visual theme that help s enhance understanding of the i deas ; includes multiple types of media Original images are created using proper size and resolution that enhance the content ; includes more than one type of media Visually depict s topic and assist s au dience; images are proper size and resolution Graphics are u nrelated to content and cross over each other. Distracting, busy, and detract from presentation 10 Narration (Research/Writing) Mechanics and style ensure clarity. Incorporates multiple properly cited scholarly resources Mechanics and styl e promote clarity. Incorporates some properly cited scholarly resources Mechanics and style make narration intelligible.

Incorporates very few properly cited scholarly resource s Several mechanical errors OR does not incorporate scholarly resources 15 Total Comments: 100%