Homework Need 100

It consists of ten T/F questions and five MC questions all of which are worth two points each; five short answer questions that are worth five points each; and one essay question that is worth 45 points. Altogether the entire exam equals 100 points or 100 per cent.

If any questions arise about the exam, please contact me immediately.

T/F Questions: 2 Points each

  1. Available inventory is defined as on-hand inventory less reserved stock for customers with submitted orders or preferred A customers for whom some stock is always made available



  1. Packaging is primarily designed for material protection during shipping operations.



  1. The rise of information technology has had no effect on global logistics.



  1. Information and data are the same thing.



  1. Production managers like long runs on producing goods.



  1. A Periodic Review inventory management system is the same as the Two Bin System.



  1. The Pareto Curve highlights the important few from the unimportant many.



  1. First in, First Out is a method of stock costing that implies greater profits for older stock purchases.



  1. Pipeline transportation rates involve high variable costs.



  1. Reverse Flow management is becoming recognized as a valuable profit stream.



Multiple Choice questions: 2 points each

  1. Several types of functions are associated with warehousing. Which of the below is NOT?

  1. Receiving

  1. Cross docking

  1. Kitting

  1. Data storage

2. Distribution operations would normally encompass which of the following resources:

  1. Warehouses, transportation

  1. Production, reverse flows

  1. Marketing, international law

  1. Rate making, IT development

  1. Which of the following is NOT an example of a special or indirect carrier

  1. Small package carriers

  1. Cargo package carriers

  1. Shipper associations

  1. Brokers

  1. Information technology systems involves which of the following components:

  1. Hardware, software, interfaces, data

  1. Technicians, managers, analysts, metrics

  1. Logistics, production, human resources, marketing

  1. Inputs, processing, output, feedback

  1. Stockouts would NOT normally involve which type of cost?

  1. Loss of customer

  1. Accumulation of inventory

  1. Loss of sale

  1. Backorder actions

Short Answer questions: 5 points each

  1. Warehouses have been described as market extenders through enhancement of transportation capabilities. Describe how this can be true.

  1. Describe shortly some fundamental issues that must be addressed when joining a Supply Chain Management partnership as a second tier vendor.

  1. Explain how Value Pricing in transportation can help both carriers and shippers

  1. Why should safety stocks be considered a form of "insurance?"

  1. Why does a transporter think in terms of keeping equipment moving?

Essay Question (45 points) This answer should be a complete essay that draws from all of the various sources of information that you have gained during this course. DO NOT MAKE THIS A SHORT ANSWER.

Your electronics manufacturing company has undergone a huge growth process, but now is facing severe competition from similar enterprises. As a means of cutting costs, your boss is thinking of hiring out its logistics operations to a third person logistics firm. What would you advise him to consider as he makes his decision. (In point of fact, DOD is farming out a lot of logistics problems to private industry. So, like the question above, why would a DOD manager consider doing so. If you want to answer this question from a DOD perspective, feel free to do so.)