Respond 4

Question 1

The parties to a contract can agree to include anti-delegation and assignment clauses in their contracts. A typical example of an anti-assignment clause can be found in a landlord tenant lease for property pertaining to a clause against subleasing the property if the tenant has to vacate the lease early.

For your post, discuss whether landlords should be allowed to include and enforce clauses against letting tenants sublease their apartments, houses, or businesses if they have to terminate or vacate the rental property prior to the expiration of a lease.

Respond to this… I think that landlords should allow someone to take over the lease if the tenant needs to leave the property and are unable to finish the lease. If the person is able to rent from the apartment, or building, or house, there is not reason why they should not be able to stay and pay the rent. The problem with subleasing is that the person living in the apartment would pay the person who is on the lease, and the person on the lease would pay the rent. The reason this is a problem is because the person renting could charge someone more to sublease from them, then the apartment is going to charge. In most cases, this clause is there to protect the person leasing from somebody. It also protects the owner, for they need to know who is renting the space from them. There are liabilities that can come into play if something goes wrong. It is very important for the owner to have the right information about who is leasing from them. If there are terms and agreements that are met, then this shouldn't be an issue, but landlords should enforce this clause. 

Question 2

Please describe a statistical test you would like to do and explain whether you would use a confidence interval or a hypothesis test, and explain why you made that choice. Also please indicate what alpha (α) would be for your test and why you chose that value.

Respond to this… I would like to do a statistical test about the height mean of the classes of statistics. Suppose that the statistics classes are the same students and you want to see if it is different because a lot of students grow up in this year, they eat more zinc, they did a lot of exercises (BKB).Suppose that the last year the classes of statistics you know that the height was 1.76 m and you would like to see if there is a significant difference that the mean of height in your classes of statistics change.You would prefer to use a hypothesis test because you think that is the best accurate method and you can interpret a better conclusion with rejection area and acceptation area graph and with critical values and P value. You would also prefer hypothesis to test because there are more methods that you can use for the conclusion using hypothesis test. For example, you can use rejection area and acceptation area graph and see the p value or the critical value or the method of p value in where you only see the decision rule that if p value is lower than significance level you reject Ho. Other method to use and conclude in the hypothesis test is the critical value in where you compare the Z statistic with the critical value Z and the decision rule that is if Z statistics is greater than critical value Z you should reject Ho (you always use Z statistics and critical value Z as the absolute value). The alpha that you can choose is 0.05Why 0.05?Because is the alpha value that can give you less error and you want to have a little bit of error so you can have a margin of error for the discrepancies. You would like to be more certain that you will only detect a difference that really does exist. 0.05 for alpha is the most common significance level when you do a hypothesis test.But what is the use of the significance level?Use the significance level to judge whether the test results are statistically significant. The significance level also determines the probability of error that is inherent in the test. Usually, a significance level (denoted as α or alpha) of 0.05 works well. A significance level of 0.05 indicates a 5% risk of concluding that a difference exists when there is no actual difference.When to choose a larger alpha?Choose a larger alpha, such as 0.10, to be more certain that you will not miss detecting a difference that might exist.When to choose a smaller alpha?Choose a smaller alpha, such as 0.01, to be more certain that you will only detect a difference that really does exist.