research paper, between 750 to 1000 words, use Times New Roman or Arial (12)pt Font and double space the entire paper.

Sample of Expectations for the “Psychology in My Life” Writing Assignment (Paper)

This paper’s word count MUST be between 750-1,000 words.

Your Title Page (APA Fornat) does not count toward your paper’s word count.

Your References Page (APA Format) does not count toward your paper’s word count (2 required references: Textbook and Peer Reviewed Journal Article).

You should use Times New Roman or Arial (12)pt Font and double space the entire paper.

Body of Paper…

Introduction (Do NOT include a subtitle labeled: Introduction in your paper)

In the introduction, you should briefly discuss the purpose of this paper. In other words, you will mention that this is an essay that will analyze and synthesize at least four psychological concepts that was learned in the required textbook for this course and relates to some aspect of your career or life. Provide some reason for being on the path you’re currently on to attain a certain career or certain level of success/progress in your life. Last, provide a thesis statement that identifies your four chosen psychological concepts and how you will benefit from this knowledge. In other words, clearly identify your career as you expect it to be upon successfully completing your degree requirements and a reason why you chose that career. Include the four psychological concepts/topics you chose.

The first paragraph should highlight the first aforementioned psychological term from your thesis statement. You should elaborate on how learning about that particular concept/topic will benefit you in either your career or future life. Do NOT simply state that it was good to learn about that concept/topic because that will not be acceptable. Be certain to include some mention of a portion of the peer reviewed journal article you selected that discusses or expands on the concept/topic you chose. You need to be able to briefly describe how the author(s) viewed learning about that concept was beneficial in some way. Last, end this paragraph with a transitional sentence that will bring the second concept/topic into the discussion as it will be elaborated on next in the same way.

This first sentence should bring into the essay the second concept/topic chosen. This is your third paragraph in the paper (second concept/topic). End this paragraph with a transitional sentence that will bring the third concept/topic into the discussion as it will be elaborated on next the same way.

This first sentence should bring into the essay the third concept/topic chosen. This is your fourth paragraph in the paper (third concept/topic). End this paragraph with a transitional sentence that will bring the fourth concept/topic into the discussion as it will be elaborated on next the same way.

This first sentence should bring into the essay the fourth concept/topic chosen. This is your fifth paragraph in the paper (fourth concept/topic). End this paragraph with a transitional sentence that will segue into the conclusion paragraph.

This is your conclusion paragraph where you should synthesize what has been presented. The paragraphs leading up to this paragraph is your analyses of the concepts/topics chosen and how learning about them will benefit you in your career or future life, and is supported by your selected peer reviewed journal article.