research paper, between 750 to 1000 words, use Times New Roman or Arial (12)pt Font and double space the entire paper.

Research Project: Peer Review Article Guide




Thesis Statement

Coping with occupational stress and burnout in healthcare

Anupama Sihang and J.S Bidlan / 2014

Library Link and APA citation

Sihag, A., & Bidlan, J. S. (2014). Coping with occupational stress and burnout in healthcare. Indian Journal of Positive Psychology, 5(3), 325-328. Retrieved from

Purpose of the Study

What is the author(s)’ rationale for selecting this topic? Does he/she/they build a strong case?

The author selects the topic due to concern issues on unhealthy lifestyle which results to increase need for healthcare industry. The professionals in the health care are not readily available due to occupational stress. Hence the need to come up with remedies and suggestion for the case. The author build a strong case considering the fact that he uses nurses, supporting staff and doctors in the research.

Research Question(s)

What question(s) does the author(s) present and attempt to answer? What method of research did they use (quantitative/

experimental or correlational design)?

The question that the author present and attempt to answer is How to cope with the occupational stress and burnout in healthcare. Correlation design has been used as the author try to find the similarity between the professionals in the health sector so as to find the way of them coping up with the occupational stress.


What were the findings presented by the author(s)? How does this align with your selected topics/concepts?

The results presented by the author revealed that moderate to high levels of occupational stress and burnout among healthcare professionals. This aligns with my selected topic as it both deal with the coping. My topic focuses on how nurses can cope with occupational stress and burnout in their work place.


What did the author(s) conclude from the findings? Was the original question(s) answered? Does it align with how learning about the topics/concepts you selected will benefit you in life or in your career?

The author concluded that occupational stress and burnout are prevalent in the healthcare but there are ways that help the professionals to deal with the stress hence making them to be effective and efficient in their working place. It aligns with how learning about the topic that I am researching on in life as a professional in my field. It will make me to be effective and efficient in my undertakings in the field.