Computer Architecture

Basically for this drone delivery operating system (OS), describe the Hardware/OS Platform Architecture and Communications Architecture between these devices (drone, mobile device, computer etc.)

Hardware/OS Platform Architecture for any device in the system:

  • Specify the hardware with the OS that you would run on it. (so, interwoven would be a good approach.)  In addition to your mobile device, there should be a backend system that you would also need to specify.

Communications Architecture between devices:

  • Make sure to include  a network diagram.  Make sure to describe your architecture in words. Define the purpose and function of each network device.

Background: The full name of the system to which this document applies is Advanced Delivery Solutions, abbreviated ADS. Its current version number is 0.1. ADS will be a platform that operationalizes the concept of delivery by small pilotless aircraft.  Its intended users are sellers of packages within size and weight limitations, with particular focus on large institutional retails such as Amazon or  The platform will receive orders from the retailer, dispatch an aircraft, direct the aircraft as it transports the package to the retailer's customer, and direct it to its next staging area. It requires connectivity between the retailer and the platform, and physical interface between the aircraft and the retailer,and again between the aircraft and the retailer's customer. All the while a flight control system controls operates the aircraft and adheres to safety and regulatory concerns.