Module 04 Ethics Project - Internal Memo: Use the attachment to complete.


Trending Issues

Name: Rodney Wheeler

Institution: Rasmussen College

Course: B406/BUL4060 Section 02 Business Law and Ethical Behavior

Date: 04/15/17

Ethical Behaviors in Food Industry

In most cities, fast food restaurants are not only a booming business venture but also readily available to most people. Factors such as improved technology and the ever-growing population have prompted the food industry to increase its revenue. Moreover, the tremendous increase in profits has provided a platform for more investors to venture in the Industry. Saunders and Sons is an example of a company whose foundation is based on the food industry; its primary focus is on the fast food docket. Managing the business has not been that easy. The reception was okay, and we even managed to break even and reach the targeted sales. However, the food industry has been facing some challenges regarding ethical behavior. Ethics entails a company’s social, political and community perspectives and how they are applied in the company and the people in totality.

Ethics is a very sensitive matter that affects the food industry. The Food Industry is criticized of its laxity in compliance with the ethical regulations as stipulated by the government. Some of the ethical issues include: one, food industries use inputs whose self-life is short. That is, they use raw materials that have stayed for a longer time, and that might not be safe for human consumption. It is assumed that the company is quantity oriented as compared to the quality. It means that they will produce of average quality in large quantities. It leads to customer dissatisfaction which eventually leads to reduced profits for the company. Employees also suffer because reduced sales mean lower sales and thus reduced commission for the employees.

The second matter is workers are paid minimal wage. Most fast food restaurants are criticized for paying their employees an unjustifiable salary (Ukandu& Ukpere 2014). It is argued that most of the employees work tirelessly to improve the profitability of their company. In return, they are paid a very minimal amount that at times is below the wage rate. Most of the employees are not motivated they are demoralized and end up not working hard as they are supposed to. Service efficiency is also reduced since the employees are working under a lot of pressure and their returns are not worth the effort they are making. Employees are the lifeline of any business, mistreating them will be detrimental to the company.

The Third issue is that the World Health Organization and Health related organizations are against fast food products (Schneider, 2010). They are of the opinion that a lot of harm comes from the fast food more than good. It increases the incidences of the consumers to be prone to sugar related diseases such as Diabetes. Also, it also makes the young generation more prone to obesity. The fact that fast foods are cheap and readily available makes it easy for kids to access the food. The quality of the food is responsible for the health hazards, and that is why the health organizations are against fast food restaurants. Companies are faced with the responsibility of producing food that has health benefits to the consumer. It proves difficult for the company since shifting a business is costly.

Lastly, Environment is also affected since the industries use disposable plates and bags to package their products. The products are non -biodegradable and cause a lot of environmental pollution. It is hard for the restaurants to reduce the pollution because the methods of packaging reduce expenditure for the company. Besides, it proves difficult to monitor how the consumers dispose of their litter. Most of the ethical issues are a major concern; it is the companies’ responsibility to ensure that they try to adhere to ethical criticisms and look for amicable solutions.


Oni, O., & Matiza, T. (2014). Factors Influencing Consumer Choice of Fast Food Outlet: The Case of an American Fast Food Franchise Brand Operating in a Predominantly Rural Community. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences.

Schneider, J. (2010). Concerns over food industry anti-obesity campaign links. Nursing Standard24(50), 33-33.

Ukandu, N., & Ukpere, W. (2014). Factors Impacting Job Satisfaction of Employees in the Fast Food Industry in Cape Town. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences.