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P o r o t t l an d p i a cn o esr m o r csw l n h sr d p h a ] E ight to 12 w indow s fr o m th e historic S im o n Benson H ouse still are missing Portland police arrested a m an with a leaded-glass window at a Tri-Met light-raS station Thursday and accused him of crimes involv­ ing the theft of several antique win­ dows from the historic Simon Ben- i.* son House in Southwest Portland.

V Kelly Holden Hugh Davey, 42, li: address unknown, was being held ^ at the M ulmomah County Justice Center o n accusations of first- degree aggravated theft, second- degree b u rsary , two counts of theft by receiving, oS^ensive litter­ ing a n d ^ v in g false information to police.

According to police, a transit employee reported a m an urinat­ ing o n the Qeveland Avenue light- K 'i.rail platform in Gresham at 6:30 p.m. He was described as hostile, appeared to b e intoxicated and h a d a n antique beveled-glass win­ dow with him.

Police from Gresham and Port­ land responded, an d a Portland police officer realized the window might b e valuable. Later, officers realized that the same m an had b een b r o u ^ t in for detoxification on Tuesday n i ^ t and h ad two similar windows with him, said D e t Sgt. Cheryl Kanzler, spokes­ w om an for the Portland Police Bu­ reau.

At tire time, police did n o t know the significance of the windows, and they were placed in the police property room, Kanzler said.

F riends o f Sim on B enson House, the group working to re­ store the 99-year-old house in h o n ­ or of the famous early Oregon tim-berm an who gave Portland the Benson Bubblers, first believed the boarded-up house h ad been b u r­ glarized late Wednesday or early Thursday.

Restoration project co-m anrger John Tess did not have an exact count of the windows with frames th at were taken b u t estimated eight to 12 are missing.

The n e^ e cte d house a t South­ west 11th Avenue and Clay Street is about to become public property an d be moved this sum m er to the Portland State University campus a t Southwest Ninth and Montgom­ ery.

Kanzler said a n investigation into the remaining stolen windows is continuing. Anyone with infor­ m ation may contact Detective SgL Sharon Stroheker at 823-0344. The Friends group is offering a $1,000 reward for iiiformation leading to the recovery of the windows.