A term paper of Operations Management

Integration Project

Can You Become a Burger Tycoon?

This purpose of this term project assignment is to help you think and integrate your study of the Operations Management (OM) field with the other core functional areas of Finance and Marketing, and perhaps one or more supporting fields of business management such as Human Resource Management.

This project will consist of two parts:

1). “Burger Tycoon” Competition


Play the game first.

As the Operations Executive of the Burger Tycoon Corporation, you will direct all major decisions of this multi-million-dollar company. From farm to feedlot; from franchise to corporate headquarters – how will you rule your Burger Empire? Do you have multinational skills? Your objective will be to maximize profits for your company and its share-holders. Please read carefully the tutorial (on the simulation website) for details on how to manage your company.

2). “Burger Tycoon” Term Paper

Burger Tycoon Project paper (1-2 typed pages, single spaced, professionally prepared). The objectives of this paper are reflecting upon and report the integrative lessons learned from the Burger Tycoon practice and competition. This report should be professionally prepared and include the following sub-sections:

  1. Burger Tycoon Strategies Utilized, Results (20% of paper)

  2. Lessons Learned (20% of paper)

(What OPS techniques would be helpful in running this business? What value did each department bring to the success/failure of your business?)

  1. Role of Business Integration - (60% of paper) expand on lessons and integrate on how you view the impact on the functioning/dis-functioning of business in the real world.