Chapters 1 & 2

  1. You'll need to recognize project management terms and be able to apply them in your CAPM or PMP examination. A series of activities to create a unique product or service by a specific date is best described as which one of the following?

C. A project

  1. Ben is a new employee in your organization and he's been assigned to your project team. Ben doesn't understand why he is on your project team because he thinks everything is part of the organization's day-to-day operations. Which of the following is likely to be part of an operation?

A. Providing electricity to a community

  1. You are the project manager of the HBH Project to install 40 new servers for your company network. You recommend, as part of your project planning, using progressive elaboration. Some of the project team members are confused on this concept. Of the following, which one is the best example of progressive elaboration?

B. It is the process of taking a project from concept to completion.

  1. Your organization would like to create a new product based on market research. This new product will be created by a project. This is an example of which one of the following reasons to launch a new project?

C. Market demand

  1. Your organization utilizes projects, programs, and portfolios. Some of the project team members are confused on what a program is. A program is which one of the following?

C. A collection of projects with a common objective

  1. Sam and Sarah are in a heated discussion over a new program in the organization. They are trying to determine who will make the tactical decisions in the projects within the program. Who manages programs?

D. Program managers

  1. You have an excellent idea for a new project that can increase productivity by 20 percent in your organization. Management, however, declines to approve the proposed project because too many resources are already devoted to other projects. You have just experienced what?
    C. Project portfolio management

  2. While the project manager must balance risks, resources, and other aspects of the project, one of the fundamental concepts is the Iron Triangle. Of the following, which is not part of the Iron Triangle?
    A. Quality

  3. Holly is a new project manager and she's working toward her CAPM certification. She is having some trouble understanding
    which processes she should implement in her new project based on the available processes in the PMBOK Guide. Of the
    following, which statement is correct?
    C. A project manager must use the most appropriate processes on every project.

  4. Projects are temporary endeavors to create a unique product, service, or result. Which one of the following does not relate to the concept of "temporary" in project management?
    C. The project deliverable

  5. Harold is the project manager of the JHG Project for his company and he's meeting with the key stakeholders to describe the deliverables of the project that will be implemented. Hanna, one of the stakeholders, is confused on why Harold talks about results of the project that aren't necessarily implemented. As an example, Harold says that a project creates a unique product, service, or result. Which one of the following is a result?
    C. A feasibility study

  6. You are the project manager of the GHY Project for your company and you're working with the key project stakeholders to define the requirements of the project. One of the stakeholders mentions that there are industry standards, but there are also regulations for the project to consider. What is the difference between a standard and a regulation?
    A. A standard is optional; regulations are not.

  7. A project manager needs five areas of expertise to be successful. Which one is not one of the five areas of expertise?
    C. PMP or CAPM certification

  8. Project managers must be aware of the political and social environments that the project operates within. These environments can affect the project's ability to operate, can limit working hours, or cause embarrassment when the project manager assumes other cultures are the same as hers. Which one of the following is not a characteristic of a project's cultural and social
    B. Time zone differences

  9. You are the project manager of the KHGT Project, which will span four countries around the world. You will need to consider all of the following characteristics of the international and political environment except for which one?
    C. Customers

  10. Project managers need interpersonal skills, such as likeability, to help get the project work done. The project manager needs interpersonal skills to be effective in any organization and project. Which one of the following is not an example of an
    interpersonal skill?
    A. Financial management and accounting

  11. Jane is a senior project manager in your company. Wally is a new project manager who is working toward his CAPM
    certification. Jane decides that Wally would be a good candidate to manage a subproject in the organization. Brenda, the project sponsor, isn't certain what Jane means by a subproject. What is a subproject?
    A. It is a smaller project that supports a parent project.

  12. Erin is a new project manager who is working toward her CAPM. She has been assigned a small project in her organization, but she feels that she could use some additional training, coaching, and mentoring. Where will a project manager most likely get project management mentoring?
    C. The project management office

  13. Project managers and functional managers need to be able to recognize a condition that is best suited for a project, and a condition that is an operation within an entity. Which one of the following is an example of operations?
    C. Sending monthly invoices to an organization's 25,000 customers

  1. When considering the selection of projects to be initiated, project portfolio management considers all of the following except for which one?

C. The project manager's experience

Chapter 2

1. The project life cycle is comprised of which of the following?

A. Phases

2. Marcy, the project manager for the ERP Project, is about to complete the project phase review. The completion of a project phase is also known as which of the following?

B.  A kill point

3. Which of the following is not a key stakeholder in a project that creates a service internal to an organization?

B. External customers

4.  Of the following management skills, which will a project manager use most?

B. Communicating

5. Managing a project is best described as which one of the following?

C. Consistently producing key results expected by stakeholders

6. When will stakeholders have the most influence over a project's product?

C. At the start of a project

7.  Which of the following is an example of negotiation?

A. Arbitration

8. You are the project manager for your organization. Influencing your organization requires which of the following?

C. An understanding of formal and informal organizational structures

9. Your global project is sabotaged by rumors and gossip about the project deliverable. This is an example of:

A. Cultural achievability

10. What is the difference between a standard and a regulation?

B. Standards are optional; regulations are not.

11. All of the following are examples of stakeholders that have a positive influence on a project except for which one?

C. Employees that prefer the older version of the software that a project is replacing

12. Which of the following is an example of a deliverable at the end of the requirements-gathering phase in a software design project?

B. Detail design document

13. You are the project manager for the ERP Project. Your organization uses a PMO. The primary purpose of a project office is to:

A. Support the project managers

14. Which of the following best describes a project deliverable?

D. The tangible good or service created by the project team

15.  At what point in a project would a kill point be acceptable?

B. When a project reaches the end of a project phase

16. Of the following, which is not an exit criterion?

C. Stakeholder analysis

17. The compilation of all the phases within a project equates to

A. The project life cycle

18. Management has asked Nancy to determine if a project concept is valid and can be completed using a reasonable amount of time and finances. Management is asking for which of the following?

D. A feasibility study

19. Henry, the project manager of the MHB Project, has allowed a subsequent project phase to begin before the predecessor phase is complete. This is an example of which of the following?

B. Fast tracking

20.  Which of the following describes the early stages of a project?

D. Low costs and low demand for resources