re do assignment

As editors and parents we are extremely interested in this whole problem. The welfare of our society depends

upon the type of children you young mothers and others like you are able to bring up. Anything that affects the welfare of

young families is most crucial, and I do feel that the young mother, any young mother in our day, should get far more gen-

eral recognition and attention than she does-not so much for her own sake as for society as a whole, or just out of sheer

common sense.

Miss Hickey: And understanding. I think there is a lack of understanding, too. Since it would take all day to tell

what a busy woman does all day . . . how about your high points?

Mrs. Petry: I would say in the morning-breakfast and wash time. I put the breakfast out, leave the children to eat

it and run into the bathroom-that is where the washer is-and fill it up. I come back into the kitchen and shove a little in the

baby’s mouth and try to keep the others eating. Then I go back in the bathroom and put the clothes in the wringer and start

the rinse water. That is about the end of the half-hour there. I continue then to finish the wash, and either put them out or

let them see one program they like on television, and then I go out and hang the wash up.

Miss Hickey: You put that outside?

Mrs. Petry: Yes. Then I eat.

Mrs. Gould: Can you sit down and eat in peace? Are the children outdoors at that time or watching television?

Mrs. Petry: They are supposed to be outside, but they are usually running in and out. Somebody forgot something

he should have eaten, or wants more milk, or a toy or something. Finally I lock the screen door. I always read something

while I’m eating-two meals a day I read. When my husband isn’t there, and if I am alone, or maybe just one child at the

table, I read something quick. But I time it. I take no more than half an hour for eating and reading.

Miss Hickey: You work on schedule quite a bit. Why do you do that?

Mrs. Petry: Because I am very forgetful. I have an orange crayon and I write “defrost” on the refrigerator every

now and then, or I forget to defrost it. If I think of something while I am washing, I write it on the mirror with an eyebrow

pencil. It must sound silly, but that is the only way I can remember everything I have to do. . . .

Miss Hickey: Mrs. Ehrhardt, your quietest half-hour?

Mrs. Ehrhardt: I would say . . . that when I go out to take the wash in. There is something about getting outdoors-

and I don’t get out too often, except to hang out the wash and to bring it in. I really enjoy doing it. If it is a nice day, I stand

outside and fold it outdoors. I think that is my quietest hour.

Miss Hickey: How often do you and your husband go out together in the evening?

Mrs. Ehrhardt: Not often. An occasional movie, which might be every couple of months or so, on an anniversary.

This year is the first year we celebrated on the day we were married. We were married in June. We always celebrated it,

but it might be in July or August.

It depends on our babysitter. If you cannot get anyone, you just cannot go out. I am not living near my family and

I won’t leave the children with teenagers. I would be afraid it might be a little hectic, and a young girl might not know what

to do. So we don’t get out very often. . . .

Miss Hickey: Let us hear about Mrs. Petry’s recreation.

Mrs. Petry: Oh, I went to work in a department store that opened in Levittown. I begged and begged my husband

to let me work, and finally he said I could go once or twice a week. I lasted for three weeks, or should I say he lasted for

three weeks.

Mrs. Gould: You mean you worked in the daytime?

Mrs. Petry: Three evenings, from six until nine, and on Saturday.

Mrs. Gould: And your husband took care of the children during that time?

Mrs. Petry: Yes, but the third week, he couldn’t stand it anymore, Saturday and all. In fact, I think he had to

work that Saturday, so I asked if I could just come in to the store during the week. My husband was hoping they would

fire me, but they didn’t. But I could see that it wasn’t really fair to him, because I was going out for my own pleasure.

Mrs. Gould: In other words, your working was your recreation. Mrs. Petry: Yes, and I enjoyed it very much.

Miss Hickey: Why did you feel you wanted to do this?

Mrs. Petry: To see some people and talk to people, just to see what is going on in the world. . . .

Miss Hickey: How about your shopping experiences?

Mrs. McKenzie: Well, I don’t go in the evening, because I cannot depend on Ed being home; and when he is there,

he likes to have me there too. I don’t know. Usually all three of the children go shopping with me. At one time I carried

two and dragged the other one along behind me in the cart with the groceries. It is fun to take them all. Once a man

stopped me and said, “Lady, did you know your son is eating hamburger?” He had eaten a half- pound of raw hamburger.

When corn on the cob was so expensive, my oldest one begged me to buy corn on the cob, so I splurged and bought three

ears for thirty-nine cents. When I got to the check-out counter, I discovered he had eaten all three, so he had to pay for the


Miss Hickey: You go once a week?

Mrs. McKenzie: Once a week or every ten days now, depending on how often I have the use of the car. That day

we usually go to the park, too. . . .

Miss Hickey: Tell us about your most recent crisis.

Mrs. McKenzie: I had given a birthday party for fifteen children in my little living room, which is seven by

eleven. The next morning my son, whose birthday it had been, broke out with the measles, so I had exposed fifteen chil-

dren to measles, and I was the most unpopular mother in the neighborhood.

He was quite sick, and it snowed that day. Ed took Lucy sleigh riding. Both of them fell off the sled and she broke

both the bones in her arm.

Mrs. Gould: Did she then get the measles?

Mrs. McKenzie: She did, and so did the baby. . . . My main problem was being in quarantine for a month. During

this time that all three had measles and Lucy had broken her arm, we got a notice from the school that her tuberculin test

was positive-and that meant that one of the adults living in our home had active tuberculosis. It horrified me. I kept

thinking, “Here I sit killing my three children with tuberculosis.” But we had to wait until they were over their contagion

period before we could all go in and get x-rayed.

Miss Hickey: And the test was not correct?

Mrs. McKenzie: She had had childhood tuberculosis, but it was well healed and she was all right. About eight of

ten have had childhood tuberculosis and no one knows it.

Mrs. Gould: It is quite common, but it is frightening when it occurs to you. Were your children quite sick with


Mrs. McKenzie: Terribly ill.

Mrs. Gould: They had high temperatures?

Mrs. McKenzie: My children are a great deal like my father. Anything they do, they do to extreme. They are vio-

lently ill, or they are as robust as can be. There is no in-between. . . .

Dr. Montagu: There is one very large question I would like to ask. What in your lives, as they are at present, would

you most like to see changed or modified?

Mrs. Ehrhardt: Well, I would like to be sure my husband’s position would not require him to be transferred so

often. I would like to stay in place long enough to take a few roots in the community. It would also be nice to have

someone help with the housework, but I don’t think I would like to have anyone live in. The houses nowadays are too

small. I think you would bump into each other. Of course, I have never had any one in, so I cannot honestly give an


Mrs. Townsend: At the present time, I don’t think there is anything that I would like to change in the household.

We happen to be very close, and we are all very happy. I will admit that there are times when I am a little overtired, and

I might be a little more than annoyed with the children, but actually it doesn’t last too long. We do have a problem where

we live now. There aren’t any younger children for my children to play with. Therefore, they are underneath my heels just

constantly, and I am not able to take the older children out the way I would like to, because of the two babies.

Miss Hickey: You have been in how many communities? Mrs. Townsend:I have lived in Louisiana, California, New York, and for a short period in Columbia, South Car-

olina. . . .

Miss Hickey: Mrs. Petry, what would you change?

Mrs. Petry: I would like more time to enjoy my children. I do take time, but if I do take as much time as I like,

the work piles up. When I go back to work I feel crabby, and I don’t know whether I’m mad at the children, or mad at the

work or just mad at everybody sometimes.

I would also like to have a little more rest and a little more time to spend in relaxation with my husband. We never

get to go out together, and the only time we have much of a conversation is just before we go to bed. And I would like to

have a girl come and do my ironing.

I am happy there where we live because this is the first time we have stayed anywhere for any length of time. It

will be two years in August, and it is the first home we have really had. That is why my husband left the Navy. I nearly

had a nervous collapse, because it seemed I couldn’t stand another minute not having him home and helping, or not

helping, but just being there.