Picot Statement and Literature Search

Student’s Name: Idalmis Espinosa

Institution: Grand Canyon University

Course: NRS-433V Introduction to Nursing Research

Date: 04/28/17

Nursing Practical Problem

Traumatic events in Patients


To the children who suffer from traumatic stress, aged between 5-7, with numerous disorders like a sleeping problem. This group of patients has to use professional advice and proper medication to control the disorders resulting from traumatic stress. In comparison to children patient just diagnosed without professional guidance, the ones under professional care receive the best treatment(James,2013). Traumatic stress is easily treated within two months when discovered.

For many patients, the experiencing traumatic events in life once they are faced with activities like natural disasters, war and other serious illness are common. What happens, in this case, is the kind of treatment matters lot. The medication is one of a kind as it helps to minimize on the incidents in which the patient can reduce more suffering. Treatment should be aimed at reducing the effects which come with the traumatic events. Those being faced by this nursing problem may not realize that they are being faced with such kind of a problem(Cameroon,2009). Conditions associated with this illness are made up of a patient feeling frightened, anxious and even threatened. Issues to do with a traumatic event may lead to psychological, emotional and physical harm. In this case, there should be the treatment which suits any kind of given patient.

Literature Search

Causes of Traumatic Events


Traumatic events are caused by some of the issues that are not so pleasant to humans. For them to have the effect of traumatic events. Causes of traumatic events, in this case, are the likes of staying in prison, terrorism and even natural disasters. Issues to do with the death of people are not great and they lead to traumatic events which lead to the patients being so down in their life. As it is known, it is not easy to deal with the death of individuals, it is, however, a matter of concern that traumatic events continue to affect the patients(Foa,2009). Research conducted in regard to this causes a lot of problems. There is also the issue of physical pain or injury which leads to traumatic issues. Moving to new locations also leads to some kind of traumatic events which may not be well taken care of. But with proper counselling, all goes on well.

Responding to traumatic events by patients is in different ways. There are no specific signs in the suffering of patients who undergo this kind of traumatic event. Some recognizable aftermaths of the traumatic events may be denial and shock which are common in many patients. There are also effects which come with traumatic events. Research shows that feeling detached and numb as being part of the aftermath of these traumatic events(Cameroon,2009). After getting over the initial shock, noticeable responses leading to traumatic events may be in the form of insomnia that is late, issues with concentration, depression and even irritability. Nervousness and anxiety are other issues of traumatic experiences.

Managing Traumatic Stress


Containing traumatic stress is a difficult thing but with the assistance of the nursing profession, it is an easy thing which does not require much complexity. In recent times, there have been measures in which stability of emotions can be dealt with. This study was aimed at looking for the best ways in which traumatic events can be dealt with. More so issues on how to address the stress are what has been majorly outlined in this research work. Data collection from patients shows that there are many things to do with dealing with the stability of emotions.

The family is one of the immediate factors to deal with this nursing patient problem. Traumatic patients are urged to communicate experiences which they have gone through. The patients can also update their journals as a way of making a personal communication amongst themselves. Research shows that personal talking is very important. Overcoming traumatic stress also calls for the patients to do their hobbies but they should not completely overdo such activities(Cameroon,2009). When one is engaged, the issues tend to get reduced and np circumstance can affect the patients. Through the medical research, it is recommended that diet should be balanced, things like alcohol and drugs should also be much avoided. Research continues to show that giving time to the patients themselves helps a big deal.

When to Contact a professional

With the advancement of issues of traumatic stress, there should be steps to get in touch with the nursing professionals who can deal with adverse circumstances. Personal relationship, work performance, and the daily activities get affected. The nursing patient relationship can be with no doubt be able to deal with such circumstances. Research continues to indicate that many factors or health hazards related to stress are not too pleasant as they have effects on the professional life of many individuals. Within the nursing g body, there are mechanisms which are attributed to the advancement of the traumatic stress. It is with immediate effect that there should be mechanisms(Ringel,2012). At the end visiting professionals is recommended.

In children, there are signs which may lead the parents to take the children for some further consultation with the nursing profession. Children can turn out to be the patients in this case and it will require the output of the parents for such circumstances t well dealt with. The signs in children that may necessitate visit to a professional are like having problems in schools. These may be problems which arrange from not performing well in schools. There is also the problem of the children going through some outbursts which are necessitated emotionally. Behaviour that is normally aggressive is also an issue which may necessity the patient from visiting nursing professional.

Withdrawal is the other thing that a patient child should be able to seek some medical attention due to traumatic experiences. Withdrawal may come in many ways on this issue which may even be the effects of lack of eating, poor relationship with the parents and peers. As result of such issues, patient children are advised to meet and consult with professional as it’s the best thing which can be undertaken. Research has been off the main thing which helps in this issue, there are matters which have been perfumed and data has shown that children love to sleep a lot. When there are issues, that children do not sleep well, then that is a circumstance which should lead to a parent consulting the medical personnel or what can be called professionals.

The professionals who are able to do this are the psychologists including the providers of health(Ringel,2012). These are conducted research which calls for the professionals to work together with parents and their children so that they can get to know how this issue of emotions can be dealt with. This will avoid the traumatic events from scaling so high.

Care systems


With the circumstances of deaths resulting from traumatic stress, it has been identified that there are higher rates of mortality with great proportions in the deaths. This is normally in the rural areas more than in the urban contester has been the implementation of systems for trauma but the adverse issues continue to be much occasioned(James,2013). The system calls for proper care of patients who have been seriously injured maybe in accidents with the main of reducing the issues. Rural areas are not doing so well because there has been a slow implementation of the care systems. This research indicates that there are some people in the rural areas who have been treated for trauma and gotten well.

Care system has not been well, developed because of the geographical clustering of systems of the trauma centres. The trauma centres in rural areas still have some factors which deal with fatality rates. Research has been done which shows that instances of lower fatality rates are because of the access to the trauma care. There should be improved systems and departments which will make patients have the access to the care in trauma centre wheel the patients are subjected to great treatment, factors to do with the trend are normally addressed.

There has been researching done which has tried to address implementation of inclusive trauma systems which are regional. Well-coordinated trauma centres will lead to the setting up of systems which can be done. There is no way for mistreatment of patients.

Truth with Trauma Deaths


It is well advocated in the research books that there is death which comes with failed systems in the human body. A thing of significance is that adverse deaths have the tendencies of replicating the advancement of the traumatic experiences which if not well addressed will make patients experience early deaths(Tanner,2007). Narrowing it down shows that if there are instances of oxygenation that is failed, there is the collapse of the circulatory system. In this research, what will be looked at are the issues which are caused by adverse traumatic experiences.

With the knowledge of the patterns that have been known to cause Advanced Trauma Life, the American College of Surgeons developed this system. The system ensures that there is care of patients who are consistent with traumatic conditions. The system makes it able to the life-threatening conditions get quickly addressed. The study was successful to reach a point that mechanisms which are laid upon will work well with the patients who are well taken care of.

Qualitative methods and Trauma

With the basic assumption of qualitative research, there are purposes in which this kind of research takes place. All the evidence on Trauma has been done with the sampling of in an appropriate method in many cases(Corales,2005). There have been sampling of 20 to less in order for the patients in Trauma to be well known. Through the sampling, the characteristics of trauma are also done with the main purpose of avoiding matters which will result in bringing the best-desired results for the whole trauma patients.

Data Collection

With the problems that come with the traumatic issues, data collection requires the research people to be so advanced. Conducting interviews with the traumatic patients may not be too easy. The patients are people who are mentally affected(Tanner,2007). Getting information from them may not be easy at all as there are one or more issues which may not be favourable with the patients in any case. However, there are circumstances which are well put out so that there are things which will be able to make the collection of data easy, this can be doing things like participating with the caregivers, with this, a collection of data becomes so easy.


Cameron, P. (2009). Textbook of adult emergency medicine. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone.

Corales, T. (2005). Focus on posttraumatic stress disorder research. New York: Nova Science


Foa, E. (2009). Prolonged exposure therapy for adolescents

with PTSD: emotional processing of traumatic experiences: therapist guide. Oxford

New York: Oxford University Press.

James. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-5.

Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Association.

Ringel, J. (2012). Trauma: contemporary directions in theory, practice, and

research. London: SAGE.

Tanner, D. (2007). Medical-legal and forensic aspects of communication disorders, voice prints,

and speaker profiling. Tucson, AZ: Lawyers & Judges Pub.