Continuing Academic Success WEEK 5 Essay

Using Sources

GEN/201 Version 6

University of Phoenix Material

Using Sources Worksheet

Review the Continuing Academic Success assignment requirements from Week 5.

Conduct research in the University Library to find at least three sources that are relevant for your Week 5 essay.

Complete the following table for each source you have chosen. Include the original passage when you provide the summary, paraphrase, and quote.

Source 1

Title of the article

Goal Setting for Students and Teachers: Six Steps to Success

Why did you choose this article?

I chose this article because me some key points on how to start my essay.

Is the article credible? How?

Yes, it is a credible source because all the sources from the University Library are credible sources.

Is the author biased? How do you know?

I don’t think that the author was biased because in the Article it talks about the negatives and positives, also it talks about children with learning disabilities and how to help them with their goals.

Is the article relevant? How?

The article is relevant because it goes step by step on how to set and reach your goals.

Find a passage you might use, and summarize it.

Along with writing down the goals a person must also write down what will threaten their goals and try to eliminate it.

Find a passage you might use, and paraphrase it.

Writing down your goals forces a person to see your dreams in front of them and motivates a person to attain their lifelong dream.

Locate a direct quote that might fit into your paper.

Successful people always have had clear, focused goals that guide them to greatness. For example, it took Thomas Edison thousands of attempts and thousands of failures throughout many years to invent the electric light bulb. But he knew exactly what he wanted, and his goal kept him going until he achieved it. Michelle Kwan had a goal to be the best figure skater in the world, and Oprah Winfrey was an abused child who was determined to make a better life for herself (Humbert 2003). And yet, the great bulk of people continue to drift through life with no goals at all, or with only vague dreams, hopes, and wishes.

Formal APA citation (Try using the citation generator in the University Library for additional information. This formal citation is what you will use for your reference page in your Week 5 essay.)

Rader, L. A. (2005). Goal Setting for Students and Teachers Six Steps to Success. The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas, 78(3)

Source 2

Title of the article

Think Smarter: Critical Thinking to Improve Problem-Solving and Decision-Making Skills

Why did you choose this article?

I chose it because it gives me knowledgeable information on critical thinking and identifies some of the relationships between critical thinking and decision making.

Is the article credible? How?

Yes, it is a credible source because all the sources from the University Library are credible sources.

Is the author biased? How do you know?

I don’t think the author was biased because he mentioned different types of examples and the outcome of people who did not use critical thinking skills and people who did.

Is the article relevant? How?

The article is relevant because it shows how our decisions we make are controlled by our critical thinking.

Find a passage you might use, and summarize it.

Being conscious about what you are thinking will allow you to see situations differently.

Find a passage you might use, and paraphrase it.

Critical thinking is a process. You should know what needs to be done and come up with a conclusion on how to get it done.

Locate a direct quote that might fit into your paper.

Critical Thinking can significantly enhance your problem-solving and decision-making skills. You make better-quality decisions, come up with more innovative solutions, and enjoy a faster outcome.

Formal APA citation (Try using the citation generator in the University Library for additional information. This formal citation is what you will use for your reference page in your Week 5 essay.)

Kallet, M. (2014). Think smarter: critical thinking to improve problem-solving and decision-making skills. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

Source 3

Title of the article

New Directions in Goal- Setting Theory

Why did you choose this article?

The article explained why goal setting is important

Is the article credible? How?

Yes, it is a credible source because all the sources from the University Library are credible sources.

Is the author biased? How do you know?

I don’t think the author was biased because it talks about the effectiveness of goal whether they are set by the induvial or by others.

Is the article relevant? How?

This article is relevant because it shows that goals setting can be used effectively in different situations.

Find a passage you might use, and summarize it.

As long a person is committed to the goal and has the ability to attain it there will be a positive relationship between goal difficulty and task performance.

Find a passage you might use, and paraphrase it.

Setting high goals allows a person to put in greater effort than a goal that is easy to attain.

Locate a direct quote that might fit into your paper.

High, or hard, goals are motivating because they require one to attain more in order to be satisfied than do low, or easy, goals. Feelings of success in the workplace occur to the extent that people see that they are able to grow and meet job challenges by pursuing and attaining goals that are important and meaningful.

Formal APA citation (Try using the citation generator in the University Library for additional information. This formal citation is what you will use for your reference page in your Week 5 essay.)

Locke, E. A., & Latham, G. P. (2006). New Directions in Goal-Setting Theory. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 15(5)

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