Company analysis


SportsDirect have been in the public spotlight for a number of reasons over previous years. Recently they have suffered a loss in profits

Critically evaluate the strategic environment they are operating in, and their current strategy as an organisation. On the basis of this evaluation, identify a future strategy for the company.

You will need to research SportsDirect, using as wide a range as sources as possible. SportsDirect has been a high profile form in recent years, so there is information out there. You should consider not only issues specific to SportsDirect, but also the forces acting in the sector in which they operate, as well as wider economic and political forces.

You are expected to research relevant academic theories and models to use in your answer.

You should be able to find material about SportsDirect from a range of sources, but remember

  1. Ensure you always reference clearly where you get material from

  2. Be critical when considering the value of information from any source: how reliable or independent is that source

  3. Whilst you may gather information from a range of sources, remember this is an academic piece of work, and so your work needs to be underpinned by academic references, particularly when referring to theory. Academic sources are academic textbooks and journals, not general websites

Word count 2500 words

Learning outcomes

  1. Critically review the conceptual and theoretical bases of the strategic management process

  2. To evaluate the application and implementation of strategic change.

  3. To understand the importance and impact of digital technology on strategy development

Indicative Marking Criteria:

You are required to produce

  1. A critical analysis of the strategic issues involved in the case study, utilising relevant theories and concepts

  2. An analysis that is based on a range of information, taking account of the validity and reliability of any source

  3. A strategic option that is related to the analysis of the company’s current position and strategy

  4. Work that demonstrates you are meeting the learning outcomes

  5. Work that is underpinned by academic references from a range of academic journals and textbooks. You need to attach a reference list, which covers only the references used in your work.

  6. Work that it is an essay format (ie no headings) that is written in the third person

You will lose marks if

  1. You produce work that is outside of the work count by more than 10%

  2. Your work is badly written, or with poor grammar or spelling, or is written in anything other

than the third person

  1. Your referencing is not in formal Harvard format

  2. You do not use extensive referencing. Whilst there is a likely to be a mix of academic and non-academic sources, you must ensure that you utilise academic referencing when considering theoretical and conceptual issues

  3. Your turnitin score identifies inappropriate copying of material or poor paraphrasing

  4. You do not include an appropriate front sheet to your work which

    1. Includes the title, the word count and your student number

    2. Does not include your name

  5. You submit your work late