Assignment 1: Criminal Conduct and Criminal Law

Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric.

Points: 140

Assignment 1: Criminal Conduct and Criminal Law



Below 60% F

Meets Minimum Expectations
60-69% D


70-79% C


80-89% B


90-100% A

1. Determine whether or not a conviction is feasible when an alleged perpetrator does not have the required mens rea but has engaged in the actus rea. Provide a rationale to support your position.
Weight: 25%

Did not submit or incompletely determined whether or not a conviction is feasible when an alleged perpetrator does not have the required mens rea but has engaged in the actus rea. Did not submit or incompletely provided a rationale to support your position.

Insufficiently determined whether or not a conviction is feasible when an alleged perpetrator does not have the required mens rea but has engaged in the actus rea. Insufficiently provided a rationale to support your position.

Partially determined whether or not a conviction is feasible when an alleged perpetrator does not have the required mens rea but has engaged in the actus rea. Partially provided a rationale to support your position.

Satisfactorily determined whether or not a conviction is feasible when an alleged perpetrator does not have the required mens rea but has engaged in the actus rea. Satisfactorily provided a rationale to support your position.

Thoroughly determined whether or not a conviction is feasible when an alleged perpetrator does not have the required mens rea but has engaged in the actus rea. Thoroughly provided a rationale to support your position.

2. Explain the distinction between diplomatic immunity and legislative immunity. Next, support or criticize the premise that diplomatic immunity is vital for Americans abroad.
Weight: 20%

Did not submit or incompletely explained the distinction between diplomatic immunity and legislative immunity. Did not submit or incompletely supported or criticized the premise that diplomatic immunity is vital for Americans abroad.

Insufficiently explained the distinction between diplomatic immunity and legislative immunity. Insufficiently supported or criticized the premise that diplomatic immunity is vital for Americans abroad.

Partially explained the distinction between diplomatic immunity and legislative immunity. Partially supported or criticized the premise that diplomatic immunity is vital for Americans abroad.

Satisfactorily explained the distinction between diplomatic immunity and legislative immunity. Satisfactorily supported or criticized the premise that diplomatic immunity is vital for Americans abroad.

Thoroughly explained the distinction between diplomatic immunity and legislative immunity. Thoroughly supported or criticized the premise that diplomatic immunity is vital for Americans abroad.

3. Argue for or against the theory that the courts should not hold a defendant of questionable competency to the standard sentencing guidelines. Provide a rationale to support your response.
Weight: 20%

Did not submit or incompletely argued for or against the theory that the courts should not hold a defendant of questionable competency to the standard sentencing guidelines. Did not submit or incompletely provided a rationale to support your response.

Insufficiently argued for or against the theory that the courts should not hold a defendant of questionable competency to the standard sentencing guidelines. Insufficiently provided a rationale to support your response.

Partially argued for or against the theory that the courts should not hold a defendant of questionable competency to the standard sentencing guidelines. Partially provided a rationale to support your response.

Satisfactorily argued for or against the theory that the courts should not hold a defendant of questionable competency to the standard sentencing guidelines. Satisfactorily provided a rationale to support your response.

Thoroughly argued for or against the theory that the courts should not hold a defendant of questionable competency to the standard sentencing guidelines. Thoroughly provided a rationale to support your response.

4. Identify the four (4) goals of criminal law, and discuss the manner in which these four (4) goals effectuate the purpose of protecting the public and preventing the conviction of innocent persons.
Weight: 20%

Did not submit or incompletely identified the four (4) goals of criminal law, did not submit or incompletely discussed the manner in which these four (4) goals effectuate the purpose of protecting the public and preventing the conviction of innocent persons.

Insufficiently identified the four (4) goals of criminal law, insufficiently discussed the manner in which these four (4) goals effectuate the purpose of protecting the public and preventing the conviction of innocent persons.

Partially identified the four (4) goals of criminal law, partially discussed the manner in which these four (4) goals effectuate the purpose of protecting the public and preventing the conviction of innocent persons.

Satisfactorily identified the four (4) goals of criminal law, satisfactorily discussed the manner in which these four (4) goals effectuate the purpose of protecting the public and preventing the conviction of innocent persons.

Thoroughly identified the four (4) goals of criminal law, thoroughly discussed the manner in which these four (4) goals effectuate the purpose of protecting the public and preventing the conviction of innocent persons.

5. 3 references
Weight: 5%

No references provided

Does not meet the required number of references; all references poor quality choices.

Does not meet the required number of references; some references poor quality choices.

Meets number of required references; all references high quality choices.

Exceeds number of required references; all references high quality choices.

6. Clarity, writing mechanics, and formatting requirements
Weight: 10%

More than 8 errors present

7-8 errors present

5-6 errors present

3-4 errors present

0-2 errors present