Carcinogens for Geniusalert92 only

45 ISHN JANUARY 2017 201 7 top standards History OSHA’s standards for welding, cutting and brazing in general industry and construction were based on the 1967 ANSI standard Z49.1.

Why this standard is important Welding, cutting and brazing are hazardous activities that pose a unique combination of both safety and health risks to more than 500,000 workers in a wide variety of industries. The risk from fatal injuries alone is more than four deaths per thousand workers over a working lifetime.

Hazards Health hazards from welding, cutting, and brazing operations include exposures to metal fumes and to UV radiation. Safety hazards from these operations include burns, eye damage, electrical shock, cuts, and crushed toes and fingers. Many of these can be controlled with proper work practices and PPE.

Enforcement Statistics:

October 2015 through September 2016 – totals for all industries Citations: 145 Inspections: 119 Penalty: $369,553 Most Frequently Cited Provisions • If the object to be welded or cut cannot be moved and if all the fire hazards cannot be removed, then guards shall be used to confine the heat, sparks, and slag, and to protect the immovable fire hazards. • Wherever there are floor openings or cracks in the flooring that cannot be closed, precautions shall be taken so that no readily combustible materials on the floor below will be exposed to sparks which might drop through the floor. The same precautions shall be observed with regard to cracks or holes in walls, open doorways and open or broken windows.

• When arc welding is to be sus - pended for any substantial period of time, such as during lunch or over - night, all electrodes shall be removed from the holders and the holders care - fully located so that accidental contact cannot occur and the machine be disconnected from the power source. Most cited industries 1 Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing 2 Machinery Manufacturing 3 Transportation Equipment Manufacturing 4 Electrical Equipment, Appliance, and Component Manufacturing 5 Merchant Wholesalers, Durable Goods 6 Specialty Trade Contractors 7 Primary Metal Manufacturing 8 Support Activities for Mining 9 Motor Vehicle and Parts Dealers 10 Miscellaneous Manufacturing What must employers do to protect employees?

Welders should understand the hazards of the materials they are working with. OSHA’s Hazard Communication standard requires employers to provide information and train - ing for workers on hazardous materials in the workplace.

Welding surfaces should be cleaned of any coating that could potentially create toxic exposure, such as solvent residue and paint. Workers should be positioned to avoid breathing weld - ing fume and gases. For protection from radiant energy, workers must use PPE, such as safety glasses, goggles, welding helmets or welding face shields. Key Letter of Interpretation OSHA's welding, cutting, and braz- ing standard, 29 C.F.R. §1910.252(b) (3), outlines specific PPE requirements for welders. This provision states that employees exposed to the hazards created by welding, cutting, or brazing operations must be protected by PPE in accordance with the require - ments of the general personal protective equipment standard, §1910.132. The welding standard also states that "[a]ppropriate protective clothing required for any welding will vary with the size, nature and location of the work to be performed." Therefore, if welders are exposed to flash fires or short-duration flame exposures, OSHA expects that employers would provide and ensure the use of FRC to protect workers from these hazards. Compliance Assistance Eye Protection against Radiant Energy during Welding and Cutting in Shipyard Employment. OSHA Fact Sheet, (2012, January). Discusses protection from radiant energy and the requirements for workers to use per - sonal protective equipment. Controlling Hazardous Fume and Gases during Welding. OSHA Fact Sheet FS-3647, (2013). Welding, Cutting and Brazing 1910.252 History The U.S. Department of Labor became aware of the dangers of respirable crystalline silica in the 1930s, but it wasn’t until 1971 that silica exposure standards were set by the newly-established OSHA. The final rule issued on March 25, 2016 is comprised of two standards, one for Construction and one for General Industry and Maritime.

Why this standard is important An estimated 2.3 million workers are exposed to respirable crystalline silica in their workplaces, pri - marily in construction, general industry and hydraulic fracturing. Exposure can occur during the drilling, cutting, crushing, or grinding of silica-containing materials such as concrete and stone and during brick manufacturing and foundry operations.

Hazards When inhaled, the very small respirable particles in silica dust can penetrate deep into the lungs and cause disabling and sometimes fatal lung diseases such as silicosis and lung cancer, as well as kidney disease.

Enforcement Statistics Because the rule was issued this year, there are no enforcement statistics available yet.

Key Provisions • Reduces the permissible exposure limit (PEL) for respirable crystalline silica to 50 micrograms per cubic meter of air, averaged over an 8-hour shift.

• Requires employers to use engineering controls to limit worker exposure; provide respirators when engineering controls cannot adequately limit exposure; limit worker access to high exposure areas; offer medi - cal exams to highly exposed workers, and train work- ers on silica risks and how to limit exposures. Industries that may be cited Crystalline silica exposure can occur in following industries and operations: 1. Construction 2. Glass products 3. Structural clay products 4. Concrete products 5. Foundries 6. Paintings and coatings 7. Refractory products 8. Cut stone and stone products 9. Hydraulic fracturing for gas and oil 10. Maritime work What must employers do to protect employees?

• Where possible, silica should be eliminated or substituted with a safer option. • Engineering controls should then be considered, such as using local exhaust ventilation, using con -tainment methods (e.g., blast-cleaning machines and cabinets), and wet sawing or wet drilling of silica- containing materials.

• Administrative or work practice controls may include limiting workers’ exposure time and requir - ing workers to shower and change into clean clothes before leaving a worksite. • Personal protection equipment such as proper respiratory protection may be used to keep workers' exposure below the OSHA PEL. Respirable Crystalline Silica Compliance Directive:

Directive number: CPL 03-00-007 Compliance date: January 24, 2008 Subject: National Emphasis Program - Crystalline Silica Compliance Assistance:

Crystalline Silica Exposure in General Industry. This OSHA Health Hazard Information Card provides good work practices for workers. A Guide to Working Safely With Silica: If It's Silica, It's Not Just Dust.

This NIOSH guide provides information about the health hazards of silica and suggests ways to prevent silicosis. Occupational Exposure to Respirable Crystalline Silica Construction standard: 1926.1153 General industry/maritime standard: 1910.1053 01p45Standards WeldingSilica.indd 45 12/21/16 7:48 PM Copyright ofIndustrial Safety&Hygiene Newsisthe property ofBNP Media anditscontent may notbecopied oremailed tomultiple sitesorposted toalistserv without thecopyright holder's expresswrittenpermission. However,usersmayprint, download, oremail articles for individual use.