Political science essay due in a few days

POLS 2301 Extra Credit Writing Assignment Spring 2017 Semester You may write an essay abou t any subje ct related to POLS 2301 in order to receive extra credit. If you are concerned about the relevance of your topic please discuss it with me before writing yo ur paper. Explain your position on your topic by writing me a 5 -7 page double -spaced paper (exclusive of endnotes, footnot es, references, and title page) . The maximum amount of extra credit you may receive is five points on your final average; the percent age of this credit you earn will be determined by your grade on the paper. An A+ (100) quality extra credit paper will earn a student five points on his/her final average. A B - (80) quality extra credit paper will earn a student four points, because four is 80% of five. Other grades will be calculated in a similar fashion. Those who turn in plagiarized papers will receive no credit and be reported to the Dean of Students. You will be required to use Times N ew Roman 12 point font. You must include info rmation from outside sources ; you need to cite them internally and provide a reference list . At least one source per page will be required to receive full credit. For more information about proper citation please refer to http://www.paulhensel.org/teachcite.html . The paper will be due on December 8 . Submit these papers to my Lamar University e -mail address ([email protected] ). I will use the date on the e -mail to validate whether the paper was received on time. Do not submit any assignments for this class through Blackboard e -mail. Papers r eceived after May 3 will not be graded. DO NOT USE WIKIPEDIA, ANSWERS.COM, OR ABOUT.COM!! ALSO, DO NO T USE STUDYMODE .COM OR OTHER SITES LIKE IT !!