Lab Report Writing

2007PSY – Lab Report - Marking criteria 2017

Topic: Change Blindness

The following are the actual criteria to be used in marking the Lab report out of 60 which is worth 30% of the overall mark for this course






Title page (1 mark)

The title page will include an appropriate title, your name, student number, university, course code, Tutor and lab time, number of words in the report.


Abstract (4 marks)

The abstract must include a summary of the report that is no longer than 150 words. In concise language it should describe the objectives, methods, results, and conclusions.


Introduction (14 marks)

A lengthy literature review is not required for this assignment. This section will describe the general scope, relevance, and aims of the study. You need to provide additional information on the hypotheses being tested. The research hypotheses should be written as sentences and based on prior research and/or logic. This section will need to describe research, theory, and links between research and theory. You have been provided with a brief review of the theory and two articles. You may include additional references to justify your hypotheses.


Method (6 marks)


● You must provide descriptive statistics that give the demographic characteristics of the sample. This can be done in the text.


● Study design, variables studied, general statistical approach used, data screening methods

Materials and Procedure


Results (10 Marks)

You must describe the statistical software used & refer the reader to the output in the Appendix. Summarise the results in writing.

Preliminary Descriptive Statistics

● Skewness, non-error type outliers, mean, SD in continuous variables, frequencies in categorical variables

Inferential Statistics

● Results of statistical tests used to evaluate hypothesis or hypotheses.

● Appropriate figures(s) and/or tables. Don’t present the same data in both a table and figure.


Discussion (15 marks)

● State whether the aim was achieved. You must include a summary of the results in relation to the hypotheses that were tested

● Provide an interpretation of the results

● Raise any methodological concerns or limitations and how to fix these

● Raise any statistical concerns or limitations

● Discuss the implications of the results, including future research


References (compulsory requirement)

• You must provide the references for any research articles that you cited in the report

• The references must be written in APA format 6th Edition.

4 mark penalty if absent

Appendix (compulsory requirement)

● You must provide a copy of the original statistical output you generated in order to produce any of the statistics, graphs or tables included in your assignment.

8 mark penalty if absent or incorrect


Major Breaches of APA format will result in zero being awarded in this category


General Style How does the lab report fit together? Is it clear and does it logically flow? Is academic language consistently used? Is there clear links between research and theory throughout the report?




2007PSY Biological Psychology - Mt Gravatt - 2017 2