discussion questions needed (asap)

1. Describe a specific type of technology used in the health care industry? How has that technology assisted in improving patient care?

2. Here is a great scenario from your book:

Ellie Myers has been entering patient billing data into the computer as part of her work as the administrative assistant and bookkeeper at Chandler Sports Medicine Clinic. The last week has been difficult for Ellie, because she has out-of-town relatives staying at her house and she is dealing with a variety of family problems. She is usually able to concentrate on her work but has been so tired the last few days that it's been difficult for her to fully focus on the details of data entry.

1. What might be the consequences if Ellie makes the following types of errors?

a. Enters the wrong medical procedure codes on a bill to an insurance company.

b. Sends an appointment letter to the wrong patient.

c. Directs laboratory test requests to the wrong lab.

d. Enters the wrong numbers for expenses in the computerized accounting program.

2. What would you recommend that Ellie do to protect against making mistakes of this kind?

Class - Think about this scenario and answer the questions.

3. If you learn nothing else from this class, REMEMBER: If it isn't documented, you didn't do it! Medical documentation is the most important thing, aside from taking care of your patient, which you will do during your medical career. Medical records are legal documents.

What is/are the purpose/s of a medical record?

Provide a base for managing a patient's record.

Determine any pattern that may signal the provider on patient's needs.

Serve as a basis for legal information.

Provide clinical data for research.

Help ensure compliance with regulatory agencies.

Decrease denials from insurance companies.

Class - Who uses medical records?

4. Good morning class,

The following case scenario from your textbook will help you to think critically about the importance of documenting all that you do for your patients:

Juanita is a registered nurse (RN) who works for a home health agency. She enjoys the work, because she really cares about each of her patients and likes getting to know them as individuals. She tries to spend a little extra time on each home visit, chatting with them about their families, interests, pets, and so on. With more patients being released to their homes rather than being hospitalized, she has a heavy case load. Juanita finds that sometimes she doesn't have time to complete all her charting until late in the evening. Sometimes she doesn't get to it until the following morning. She tries to complete it while eating breakfast before leaving for another day of rounds.

1. Discuss the possible consequences of Juanita's current work habits in terms of legal compliance and reimbursement.

2. Discuss any changes you would recommend.

5. Why do you think the government has created strong incentives for hospitals and physicians to implement an electronic medical record? Do you agree or disagree with this push?