1500 words about AMAZON

Rubrics (Scoring Guide) for Instructors

Task Completion, Format, Layout (3Marks)

The report includes all required components and follows formatting guidelines for layout (headings), spacing, alignment, headings, etc. Format and layout make the report exceptionally attractive, drawing attention to the content, and enhancing readability.

Topic Development (3Marks)

Full and rich development of content (purpose, relevance, focus, explanations, support; full and complete explanations of the management, marketing, and finance components to support argument; sophistication in fluency of expression.

Supporting Calculations, Documentations, Illustrations. (3Marks)

Content supported effectively by data, graphs, charts, tables; full explanations of all data and assertions; all calculations are correct; data are presented in appropriate format; documentation for assertions is provided.

Organisation (3Marks)

Organization (intro/conclusion, thesis, topic sentences) fully appropriate and effective for topic; full control (logical coherence) and excellent use of cohesive devices (key words, pronouns, references, transitions, etc.); presentation of ideas extremely clear and coherent; correct use of in-text citations & references; spelling, capitalization, and punctuation error-free.

Sentence Structure and Vocabulary (3Marks)

Full range of sentence patterns (simple, compound, complex), effectively used; error free sentence structuring ;broad and fluent range of vocabulary; elaboration and detailed full use of business terms; concise and appropriate use of vocabulary; correct use of word forms and word choice.