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Running head: Security challenges in the US Government management of security challenges

Security challenges in the US Government management of security challenges

Vibert Jacob


South University

Security challenges in the US Government management of security challenges.

Security had been the major issue in the United States currently, posing a great threat to the nation and citizens. With the increase in information technology development, cybercrime challenge is a challenge that has been greatly faced, making it essential for the government to outlook the security challenge. The greatest challenge to the government is to design various strategies that will facilitate anti-cybercrime unit that will ensure individuals who rely on computers are kept secure on their operations (Schell, B. H., & Martin, C. 2004). United State is the country with the highest number of individuals who uses computers with broadband, a factor that makes computer security the most important factor to fight against cybercrime. Although there is a verity of challenges that faced by the United State government management of security challenges, it is essential to focus on this challenge since there are millions of dollars lost every year due to the cybercrime challenge.

The greatest question that should be on the board regarding cybercrime challenges is that; what should be done by the government management security department to reduce the rate of cybercrime in U.S? Through appropriate research on this question, there is a great possibility of achieving various strategies that can facilitate reduction of cybercrime challenges in the country. Cybercrimes search as social media fraud, security breaches, and spear phishing is essential; to be abolished through appropriate regulations by the U.S government management of security challenges department.

Securing computer systems in the country are the most factors that should be considered by the government through building up various laws that will boost computer systems security. In America today, most of the operations are carried out through utilization of computers by the internet, making it essential for the security systems to be boosted by the government. The main importance of this research is to understand various ways that hackers conducts their operations while planning to get involved in a cybercrime activity and the most appropriate ways to stop search activities in the country that is affecting millions of individuals. Considering that individuals entities, individuals, government departments and US military are both using technology and they are at big risk of being attacked through cybercrime actions, the department of security is required to be vigilant on laws that will boost the security systems to avoid any form of cybercrime action. Crime repercussions of cybercrime actions should be enacted, whereby this research will keenly look over the outcomes of individuals involved in cybercrime.

In order to achieve the most appropriate data based on the cybercrime as a challenge in the United States government of security challenges, it is essential to utilize research method that will facilitate the collection of reliable information for appropriate analysis. Considering the various forms of research method, a mixed model of research is the most appropriate methodology since it will involve quantitative and qualitative methods of research that will help in gathering reliable data for a research topic and help in answering the solutions to the big question of the topic (Wall, D. 2007). Through mixed research model, it is possible to gather various statistical data that will help in understanding on how frequent cybercrimes activities occurs in the country and the number that is being affected by the crime. Moreover, information on various strategies that can be used to curve these cybercrime challenges information will also be achieved through the mixed model, leading to concrete data for the research analysis. The research is of great importance since it will facilitate understanding of various challenges faced by organization or individuals who are cybercrime victims, and on what they think the government security department is required to do in order to end the misery in the country.

Throughout the research, there are various ethical challenges that will be faced and it is essential to solving the challenges appropriately. The ethical dilemma is one of the factors that are required to be considered greatly. Throughout the research, there are various ethical issues that will be faced that include invasion of privacy, unfair and copyright infringement. It is usually against the tort law for n individual’s intrusion to private information (Brenner, S. W. 2010). Through conducting the research, this ethical issue of gathering individual’s private information will be faced whereby various individuals who have been faced with the crime will decline to give their report. Considering the ethical dilemma against intrusion to individual’s information, search interviews will be offered an opportunity to answer the only question that will have no prove.

Online defamation is one of the ethical challenges that will be faced through online research, whereby wrong information might be gathered. In order to solve this challenge, we will make sure that all information that is collected through the internet is reliable and has a credited source in order to avoid any incorrect information. Fraud involvement in the process of data collection is an ethical challenge that will be avoided to make sure that the data collected is from a safe and secure source. In conclusion, cybercrime resolution research is of great importance to facilitate achievement of the resolutions for security challenges in the department of US government management of security challenges.


Brenner, S. W. (2010). Cybercrime: Criminal threats from cyberspace. Santa Barbara, Calif: Praeger.

Wall, D. (2007). Cybercrime: The transformation of crime in the information age. Cambridge: Polity.

Schell, B. H., & Martin, C. (2004). Cybercrime: A reference handbook. Santa Barbara, Calif: ABC-CLIO.