BUS 599 Week 5 DQ

Week 5 Discussion_BUS 599

Supplemental (Optional / Not Graded)

  • In Week 5, as you delve into internal governance, considering entrepreneurial capabilities (EC) and leadership can help you gain a further understanding of the course project. From a strategic management perspective, exploring EC and leadership will help you build naturally toward the following weeks’ materials. Review the Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies’ article titled, “Strategic Leadership and Entrepreneurial Capability for Game Change”.

  • Business Level Strategies are explained in detail in this publication from Research Starters Business. Review Edwin D. Davidson’s publication (1 Jan 2015) titled, “Corporate Strategy”.

  • Watch the video titled “Business Plan Operations Section” (3 min 34 s).


  • Watch the video titled “Why Every Business Needs a Technology Plan” (1 min 13 s).


  • Watch the video titled “Writing the Management Team Section of Your Business Plan” (2 min 56 s).


"Smooth Operator" Please respond to the following:

  • Elaborate your own definition of production operations management, including manufacturing and service operations. Then, assess the implication of technology in your definition. Lastly, appraise the impact of your previous responses to your Operations, Technology, and Management Plan development.