
Project Task Week 5 3

Shanta Carter

South University


Prof Amy Kelly


Task 1:

  1. The stage I have selected from the given stages is adulthood.

  2. When we reach our adulthood majority of our growth and development is over. At this stage, our focus is shifted towards the maintenance of our health and active lifestyle. In this way adults can mitigate the risk of developing age, several diseases and weight related issues such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes etc. the basic components of their diet should contain protein which they can get from meat, eggs, pulses and fish. They should intake fruits and vegetables per day and also the required amount of carbohydrates. The factors that can affect their nutrition include decreased taste, loss of appetite, lack of mobility, menopause in the case of women and may other.

Task 2:

  1. The disease I have chosen to discuss is diabetes.

  2. The subject of my case is Jessica a 40-year-old woman, former smoker living in San Francisco.

• Her actual height is 5 feet.

• Her weight is 62 kilograms.

• Her waist is 34 inches.

• Her blood group is B+.

• Deficiency of proteins and vitamin C has identified in clinical assessments which depict patient is undernourished.

• The major portion of Jessica’s dietary plan consists of fast food. Jessica mostly eats food from restaurants. Her dietary assessment shows high intake of cold drinks so the intake of sugar is quite high in Jessica’s diet for the past few years.

• The patient is suffering from diabetes, so insulin is recommended.

• Patient belongs to a middle class family and divorced, living with her 2 kids, she is the only earner in the family.