Political Science: American Government 5 page essay

Essay Prompt For American Government


You are a political analyst who has been tasked with providing information to a politician on a policy.  You may choose which politician you are working for at the city, county, state, or federal level.  The item you choose must appear as either an agenda item (city and county), or a bill (state and federal) within the past one month.  You must choose a representative that represents the area in which you live. (For example, if you live in Irvine, you would pick a city council member or the Mayor of Irvine for the city level; the Supervisor from your district at the county level; your State Assemblyman, or State Senator for the state level; or your representative in the House or Senate for the federal level.) You must then look up an actual agenda item or bill to write a 4-6 page report for the politician, advising them how they should vote on the issue. In order to do your report, you will need to do some research on the internet to see what others are saying about this policy and which groups are supporting or opposing the policy. In your report, you will need to summarize the agenda item or bill, advise the politician as to the reasons for voting for or against the policy, and what impact their decision might have on the community they represent (ie. what might the political backlash be for voting one way or another.)


Format: Length 4-6 pages Arial or Times New Roman, size 12 font, double spaced. Your name, class time, date and title can only take up 2 lines. (Hint: 4 pages means 4 pages, I will take significant points off for not doing the full assignment.) In addition, you will need to provide a list of references you used to write the paper, including referencing the policy you are writing about. The references DO NOT count as part of the page count.


Resources: Here are some sources for the different levels of government.  In addition to these sources, you should supplement your argument with outside sources to back up your claims (I do not want a purely opinion piece.)


City: Look up your city’s website, find council agendas, look up the staff report for the agenda item you wish to discuss (if there is one) in order to get the full information for the agenda item.


Orange County agendas (look at the staff report) can be found here: http://www.ocgov.com/gov/bos/agenda (链接到外部网站。)链接到外部网站。


State legislation can be found here: http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billSearchClient.xhtml (链接到外部网站。)链接到外部网站。


Federal legislation can be found here: https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/ (链接到外部网站。)链接到外部网站。


**Make sure you are using valid resources in your paper.  Only use articles from well-known journalism outlets and do not trust social media articles.  Wikipedia is also not a valid source.