Political questions

Spring 2017 Extra Credit Belated Easter-Egg Hunt Instructions 1. NB: This is an extra -credit assignment , completion of which is entirely voluntary . If you do not choose to do it, there will be no penalty. 2. Using internet -based media sources, find the answers to the following questions about developments examined in , or (vaguely) relevant to, our courses. 3. If enrolled in more than one course with Dr. Wood this semester, you may only apply this extra credit assignment to one of them. 4. Answers must be submitted via the assignments area in Blackboard and the deadline is Wednes day, May 03 by 1130pm .

0.5 points av ailable per question, 5 points in total Questions 1. What key Lithuanian historical document, hitherto believed lost, turned up recently in a German archive? 2. A freezer malfunction at the University of Alberta, Edmonton destroyed what? 3. The UK’ s Queen Elizabeth is hiring someone to do what concerning her shoes? 4. What rare species of giant mollusk was unearthed in the Philippines the other week? 5. Who will be the two final runoff candidates in the final round of the French presidential election in May? 6. Which Scandinavian country will celebrate the one hundredth anni versary of its independence this coming December? 7. The president of what Southern African country has pledged to step down next year after nearly thirty-eight years in power? 8. In Queensland this March, reports surfaced of sightings of what marsupial thought to be long extinct? 9. In March, what was stolen from Berlin ’s Bode Museum? 10. What international brand of beer might be banned in Hungary due to its logo?