Applying an Ethical Theory

The following files have been attached to your feedback 

(0.88 / 1) Formulate an Ethical Question With in One of the Given Topic Areas

Proficient - Formulates an ethical question within one of the given topic areas that is slightly vague, broad, or unclear. The question is placed at the top of the paper and appropriately labeled.

(0.76 / 1) Provide an Introduction to the Topic and Question

Basic - Provides an introduction to the topic and question under consideration that vaguely establishes its scope and significance and provides little of the necessary context. The introduction may be slightly biased toward one position.

(0 / 1) Provide a Position Statement

Non-Performance - The position statement is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the assignment instructions.

You didn't provide a clear statement of the position you take on the question at issue. If you are unsure of your position, that's understandable. However, the fact that this issue is complicated or that different people hold different views on it doesn't mean that some positions aren't better supported than others. Taking a stand on a position doesn't mean you need to be absolutely certain of your view or that other views don't have their own strengths. It simply means this is the one you believe is strongest. We will spend the next few weeks trying to learn how to distinguish better and worse ethical arguments, and your assignment will be to apply that knowledge to evaluate issues like this, pointing out strengths and weaknesses of different arguments, fallacies, and so forth. Furthermore, one of the best ways to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of a position is to tentatively adopt it for the sake of argument, think about how one could defend it, and consider whether that defense is adequate. Doing so can help us refine and clarify our ethical views even when we end up having to reject a position we tentatively adopted.

(0.64 / 1) Identify a Supporting Reason

Below Expectations - Identifies and explains a reason in support of the position taken on the question. The reason is slightly plausible, and/or the explanation is significantly unclear, substantially shorter or longer than appropriate, and not clearly labeled.  

(0.76 / 1) Identify an Opposing Reason

Basic - Identifies and explains a reason opposing the position taken on the question.  The reason is only somewhat plausible, or the explanation is only somewhat clear, slightly shorter or longer than appropriate, and/or not clearly labeled. 

(1.52 / 2) Written Communication: Control of Syntax and Mechanics

Basic - Displays basic comprehension of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains a few errors which may slightly distract the reader.

The paper contains a number of passages where the writing wasn't very clear, or that contained grammatical and mechanical errors.  This made it more difficult to understand what you were trying to say than it should have been.  It's important to proofread your papers carefully before submitting, and it might be worth having someone else proofread as well, or utilizing the Ashford Writing Center's resources described in the assignment instructions.

(0.64 / 1) Written Communication: APA Formatting

Below Expectations - Fails to exhibit basic knowledge of APA formatting. There are frequent errors, making the layout difficult to distinguish as APA.

(2 / 2) Written Communication: Word Requirement

Distinguished - The length of the paper is equivalent to the required number of words.