wendy lewis only

Victor Alicea

Kelly Baker

Developmental psychology

Interviewing Melvin Rodriguez

  1. He was so intrigued in how he was conceived he thought he was made as any other baby but no his mother had a surrogate.

  2. His parents felt afraid to tell him how he was conceived because they thought he would be mad at them but he wanted them to know that if it wasn’t for them trying to do whatever they could to have him they wouldn’t be having this conversation.

  3. After the conversation he asked his mom if it was difficult for her knowing someone else was carrying her baby and she said every second hurt but she knew it was worth it because it was him.

  4. When I asked him what he thought about his mother after finding out what she went through he said his mother was the bravest strongest person out there and he couldn’t be more proud of her.

  5. He was not mad that his parents waited so long to tell him the big news in fact he was very understanding because it was a big deal for them.