critical Process Paper

MAC 143 Behind the Media Business Project Owens

(Worth 150 Points) 2015-2016


Throughout the semester we will learn about the structure of the media business, and their role in society. The concept of media conglomerates, an example of media convergence or cross platform, is a business structure where a company has ownership of different subsidiaries under one large corporate umbrella. These media giants and their media holdings (subsidiaries) can be in various aspects of the media, such as television, music, magazines, and newspapers, etc.

Learning Objective

In groups of 2 students, you all will research a media conglomerate (parent company) of your choice. This publicly traded company can be one we have learned about during the semester, or a company that has not been covered in the text or in class. In choosing a company, you all are selecting one that has a personal connection with your media experiences. After choosing a media conglomerate, groups will apply the critical process by researching some of the subsidiaries (at least 4-5) of the media conglomerate. (Refer to Ch. 13 Media Economics & Global Marketplace to gain a better understanding of media conglomerates and media economics)

Media Conglomerate Choices

  • Comcast/NBC Universal

  • Apple

  • Microsoft

  • Amazon

  • Disney

  • Time Warner

  • Vivendi

  • Sony

  • Yahoo!

  • Alphabet/Google

  • News Corp.

  • 21st Century Fox

  • Hearst Corp.

  • DirectTV/AT&T

  • E.W. Scripps Company

  • Viacom

  • Gannett

  • CBS Corp.

  • Discovery Communication

  • This project will include the following components/due dates:

  • Step #1: Proposal DUE Date:________

  • Step #2: Introduction DUE Date:________

  • Step #3: Critical process DUE Date:________

  • Step #4: Rough Draft of final paper DUE Date:________

  • Step #5: final paper/Final Presentation DUE Date: ________

  • step #1: Proposal

  • Directions: Each student must submit a proposal for the Behind the Media Business project. The proposal needs to include the following:

  • Provide your Top 3 choices for a possible media conglomerate you want to research for this project (i.e. Top 3 Choices: 1) Disney 2) Time Warner……).

  • Identify how each company on your Top 3 list connects to your personal media experiences. (i.e. I really enjoy dramas that air on TNT. And TNT is owned by Time Warner)

  • The proposal should be only one-to-two paragraphs in length, double-spaced, 12 point font, Times New Roman.

  • Your instructor will approve one of your CHOICES to research for the project. You will be assigned groups according your top choices. after your proposal has been approved, Each group is required to meet with the instructor to discuss the behind the media business project. Behind the media meeting times are TBD.

  • Choosing subsidiaries: After being assigned your media conglomerate, groups will begin the research process. Next, you all will select 3-4 subsidiaries that fall under one of the following categories—

  • music record labels

  • song libraries

  • music clubs

  • music manufacturing

  • motion-picture studios/production companies

  • film libraries

  • movie theaters

  • television-cable and satellite channels

  • broadcasting

  • cable franchises

  • television production/distribution

  • television libraries

  • radio

  • books

  • magazines

  • multimedia

  • video arcades

  • theme parks

  • manufacturing

  • retail

  • sports

  • real estate & others

  • step #2: Introduction

  • Directions: In the introduction provide a brief media history of the media company you have chosen for the project. Give an overview of the company’s headquarters location, numerous office locations, number of employees, and a general idea of this company’s global expansiveness/presence. Who is the current CEO and what’s his or her reputation? Also, explain how the media conglomerate you are researching is connected to your personal media experiences.

  • Introduce the 3-4 subsidiaries you have chosen for this project. You will describe each of them in more detail in the STEP #3: Critical Process. What mass medium or subsidiary category do they belong? For example, ABC Inc. is owned by Disney. ABC Inc. is a part of the mass medium of television. Lastly, also explain why have you chosen these 3-4 subsidiaries for your research? Again, you will explore each of these subsidiaries in more depth through your research with the Critical Process of the final paper.

  • At least 3 outside sources need to be included in your introduction. Also, you need to provide written in-text citations throughout the introduction, critical process, rough draft, and your final paper. On the last page of the Introduction, provide a bibliography page of your 3 sources. The bibliography page needs to be put on a separate page. All in-text citations and citations listed on the bibliography page need to be in APA format. There will be an in-class review of how to use APA format.

  • The introduction needs to be 2-3 pages in length, double-spaced, 12 point font, Times New Roman.

  • step #3: Applying The Critical Process

  • Directions: Using the media conglomerate you have chosen, apply the following 5 stages of the critical process as you further explore these subsidiaries and the media ownership of its parent company. You will include the results of each stage of the critical process in both your final paper and presentation.

  • 1. Description: Each group will research 3-4 subsidiaries of the conglomerate they’ve chosen. Make sure they note (a) some of the brand-name products of these subsidiaries (e.g., Time Warner owns Maverick records, a label created by Madonna, which produces Alanis Morissette, among others) and (b) the parent company’s percentage of partial ownership (either full or a specific partial percentage). How is the company doing financially?

  • 2. Analysis: How does the conglomerate use its size and ownership to cross-promote its products across its various subsidiaries? For example, how does Time Warner advertise upcoming films on some of its cable networks? To what extent does the conglomerate dominate a particular mass medium?

  • 3. Interpretation: With many media companies, we see the concept of synergy with their media ownership. This is when a media company promotes different versions of a media product across its various subsidiaries. What does the success of your media conglomerate (and its synergistic practices) do toward disseminating a large number of voices as far as competing in a global market? Does it offer diversification within the media landscape? (Refer to Ch. 13 on Media Economics)

  • 4. Evaluation: Some of the larger questions to consider: Are there positive aspects to conglomeration, and if so, what are they? Does the media conglomerate (parent company) have a strong public identity? Why or why not? Both group members will share their perspectives on media conglomeration.

  • If you were to effectively explain company conglomeration to your peers, how would you frame it? What examples would you choose? Do you think people should understand where media content comes from, and if so, why?

  • 5. Engagement: After completing the above stages of the critical process, it is time for you to engage. This is where you take some type of action that connects your critical perspective with your role as citizens to the media conglomerate you chose to research for this project.

  • Engagement might involve something as simple as writing a formal letter or e-mail to the CEO of your media conglomerate. It may also involve participating in Web discussions, contacting various media producers or government bodies like the FCC with critiques and ideas, or organizing or participating in public media literacy forums. (The engagement stage DOES require you to take a form of action as you engage. This stage should also be written and included in your final paper.)

  • Here are some possible ways to engage:

  • Create a Facebook© poll testing your FB “friends'” knowledge about what media companies own some of their favorite channels, record labels, or film companies, etc.

  • Write a formal letter to a company CEO, television producer, or record executive.

  • Create a YouTube© video voicing your opinion about media conglomerates.

  • Visit Reclaim the Media ( and see what the organization has to offer in terms of Upcoming Events and updated information regarding media policy reform, media literacy education, digital citizenship, journalists’ issues, and so on.

  • Visit the “Action Center” at Free Press ( to learn about the organization’s “e-activist” and other activist opportunities and to subscribe to a free newsletter on media issues such as Big Media conglomeration.

  • step #4 & Step #5: Rough Draft and final paper

  • Directions: In a 7-10 page paper, the results from your research need to be written in essay format. You will provide an Introduction (Step #2) to this project. You will also compile the research results from Applying the Critical Process (Stage #3). After choosing a media conglomerate of your choice, exploring the company’s subsidiaries, and working through the critical process you need to offer a conclusion to the project.

  • In your conclusion, you will discuss the role media conglomerates play in our media experience and society. Your instructor will provide students with additional information for the assignment throughout the semester. The guidelines for the Final paper (Step #5) are listed below.

  • You will have to submit a Rough Draft (Step #4) of their final paper prior to the final paper due date.

  • Step #4 & Step #5: Final Paper Guidelines

  • Your final paper should include an introduction (Step #2), the results of each stage of the critical process (Step#3), and a conclusion. Make sure to label each stage of the critical process.

  • Your cover page needs to include:

    • Creative title for your project

    • Each group member’s name

    • MAC 143 Introduction to Media/Section,

    • Professor’s name

    • The date/Semester

  • Page numbers must be included

  • you are required to have a minimum of five outside sources for this project

    • You are NOT allowed to use Wikipedia as a source for this project. All sources need to be as current as possible, and come from credible sources. Examples of possible sources: newspapers, magazines, books, company web sites, journal articles, and library databases.

    • Make sure ALL source citations both in-text, and those listed on the Bibliography page are written in proper APA format.

    • The bibliography page needs to be put on a separate page.

  • The paper should be 7-10 pages typed, double-spaced (not including the bibliography page).

  • The paper needs to be in 12 point font, Times New Roman.

  • step #5 Cont.: Final Presentation

  • Directions: Groups will present their findings from the project in a 8-10 minute presentation. Each presentation should include an Introduction, the abridged results of the five stages of the Critical Process, and a Final Conclusion. Due to time constraints, students will have to summarize their results from the Critical Process. Refer to the stages in the Step #3: Applying the Critical Process to review the necessary components of the critical process. PowerPoint must be used as a presentation aid.

  • Final Presentation Guidelines

  • 8-10 minute presentation

  • PowerPoint is a required presentation aid

  • Introduce media conglomerate and how it connected to you personally

  • Introduce the 3-4 subsidiaries researched for the project

  • Provide abridged results from the 5 stages of the critical process

  • Provide final conclusion

  • Submit your Final Presentation through Canvas by 11:59 pm on or before the due date

  • Submitting the Behind the Media Business Project

  • Directions: Submit your Proposal (Step #1), Introduction (Step #2), Critical Process (Step #3) Rough Draft (Step #4) of paper, Final Paper/Final Presentation (Step #5) through Canvas by 11:59 p.m. on or before the due date.

  • Behind the media business

  • Evaluation Form

  • Name: ________________________ Total Points/Grade:___________

  • Name: ________________________

  • Media Conglomerate Chosen:________________________

  1. Proposal (5 points) _______________

  • Provided Top 3 media conglomerate choices for the project

  • Identified the personal connection each media company has to his/her media experiences

  1. Introduction (10 points) _______________

    • Provided a brief media history of the media company

    • Provided overview of the company’s headquarters location, numerous office locations, and number of employees

    • Discussed the company’s global expansiveness/presence

    • Discussed the current CEO and his or her reputation

    • Introduced the 3-4 subsidiaries and explained why they were chosen for this project

    • Explained how the media conglomerate you are researching is connected to your personal media experiences

    • Provided at least 3 outside sources in APA format with both written in-text citations, and listed on the bibliography page. The bibliography page needs to be put on a separate page.

  1. Critical Process (15 points) _______________

  • Using the criteria below, provided an in depth application of the five stages of the Critical Process (Description, Analysis, Interpretation, Evaluation, Engagement)

  1. Rough Draft (25 points) _______________

  • Includes the Introduction, Critical process, & Conclusion

  • Effectively completed the 5 stages of the critical process

  • In-text citations were used throughout paper

  • Bibliography page listed all outside sources used

  1. Final Paper: Critical Process Stages- (50 points Total)

    • Description (10 points): _______________

      • Effectively researched 3-4 subsidiaries of the chosen media conglomerate

        • Discussed if parent company has any percentage of partial ownership (full or a specific percentage)

      • Discussed the company’s current financial standing

  • Analysis (10 points): _______________

    • Compared each subsidiary, discussed the parent company’s size and ownership

    • Discussed whether or not the conglomerate cross-promotes its products across its various subsidiaries

    • Identified whether or not the conglomerate dominates a particular mass medium

  • Interpretation (10 points): _______________

    • Discussed and explained whether or not the conglomerate offers diversity with the different media products it distributes through its different subsidiaries.

  • Evaluation (10 points): _______________

    • Effectively explained whether or not there are positive or negative aspects of conglomeration

    • Discussed whether or not the parent company has a strong public identity

    • Effectively explained in his or her own words how they would explain company conglomeration to his or her peers

      • Used strong examples in explanation

  • Engagement (10 points): _______________

    • Effectively took some action that connected his/her critical perspective with their role as citizens to the media conglomerate researched

    • Included the engagement stage in final paper (If it’s a letter, e-mail, or website address include it in the paper)

  1. Media Sources Cited (5 points)- _______________

  • Provided at least 5 sources in the final paper and on the bibliography page

  • Written in-text citations are in proper APA format throughout paper

  • Bibliography page is in proper APA format

  • Bibliography page is on a separate page

  1. Overall (15 points) _______________

  • Cover page

  • Paper format 7-10 pages typed, double-spaced,12 point font, Times New Roman

  • Page numbers

  • Paper included Introduction, Critical process, Conclusion, and Bibliography page

  • Labeled 5 stages of the critical process

  • Well Organized

  • Followed basic grammar, and spelling rules

  • Successfully fulfilled assignment requirements

  • Effectively applied critical thinking media literacy skills

  • Successfully researched a media conglomerate/subsidiaries

  1. Presentation (25 points) _______________

  • Clearly introduced media conglomerate

  • Identified 3-4 subsidiaries researched for project

  • Provided results from each of the 5 stages critical process

  • Provided a final conclusion based on research

  • Effectively presented organized PowerPoint presentation

  • Held audience attention

  • 6-8 minute presentation

  • Comments: