3 page double spaced

Current Event Paper 3

­-For the Current Event Paper 3, I am doing Conflict of interest.

Could you provide information concerning your expectations about the three current event papers?

The objectives of these three assignments are to:

(1) increase your ability to research current events in fraud,

(2) to increase your understanding of a particular area of fraud; and

(3) to be able to critically evaluate articles regarding fraud.

General Requirements (each paper):

1) Select and read a current events article. “Current” means within the 18 months.  You must pick only one article.   Make sure you pick a substantive article.  It is preferable to pick a fraud case study

Some possible topics include:

            -Healthcare fraud

            –Identify theft

            -Conflict of interest


            -Fraudulent financial statements

            -Payroll fraud 

2) Write a 1-2 paragraph summary of the article. A summary should state, in your own words, the main ideas of the article and key facts. A summary is not re-typing part of the article. Remember, use proper APA format.

3) Write 3 - 4 paragraphs about the relevance to the industry of fraud. This is where you analyze the article. Some possible items for consideration are as follows:  

  • An identification of the key issues posed by the article or case

  • A list of applicable stakeholders and their rights and obligations

  • What choices were/are available and what were/are the costs or trade-offs

  • Comment on how the situation was or should be resolved

  • Who (individual or group) was/will be impacted by this decision?

  • What internal controls weaknesses contributed to the fraud?

  • How could the fraud have been prevented?

  • Why wasn't the fraud detected earlier?

  • Questions you believe readers should consider about the case that will add substance to learning

  • Other

4) Write 1-2 paragraphs to express your opinion about the issue. Be sure to back up your opinion. Remember, this is your opinion about the issue, not about how the article is written.

5) Make sure to include the address of the website, where you found the article. If a password is needed for the site, excluding UMUC's library, you are expected to supply it.

6) The paper should be 2-3 pages.