EDU 382 Meeting the Needs of Diverse Learners: Week 5 Final Assignment

Running head: FINAL PAPER 1 Title Your first name Your last name Course Name Instructor’s Name Date Submitted FINAL PAPER 2 This is a guide for you to use as you develop your final paper for this class . The paper has been formatted for you according to APA guidelines, so keep the headings. The section under each heading are there to guide your thinking in completing each section (they should not be part of your final paper; therefore, omit them). It is suggested to write an outline first before writing. The pape r should also be double spaced with indented paragraphs. Please erase this highlighted portion before submitting your paper. Lesson Plan Revision and Analysis Selected Lesson Plan Copy and Paste the name and link of the lesson plan found in the assignment description.

Common Core Standards Go to the following website: -standards and select the Common Core Standard that is most appropriate for your lesson plan. If you selected the science lesson plan (choice “c”), you will have to go to your state’s department of education and select from your state’s science standards. Differentiation Content Describe how you plan to differentiate the content of the lesson plan for the students in your class three different ways . You can differentiate the content in response to student readiness, student interest, and student learning profile (w herever applicable and see chapters 5-7 for support). Be sure to describe how you are differentiating the lesson plan for content, why you have selected this modification, and how it will support your students’ needs. Be specific in describing what stude nts might benefit from the way you are differentiating for content .

Process Describe how you plan to differentiate the process of the lesson plan for the students in your class three different ways . You can differentiate the process in response to student readiness, student interest, and student learning profile (wherever applicable and see chapters 5- 7 for support). Be sure to describe how you are differentiating the lesson plan for content, why you have selected this modification, and how it will support your students’ needs. Be specific in describing what students might benefit from the way you are differentiating for process.

Product FINAL PAPER 3 Describe how you plan to differentiate the product of the lesson plan for the students in your c lass three different ways . You can differentiate the product in response to student readiness, student interest, and student learning profile (wherever applicable and see chapters 5- 7 for support). Be sure to describe how you are differentiating the less on plan for product, why you have selected this modification, and how it will support your students’ needs. Be specific in describing what students might benefit from the way you are differentiating for product.

Implementation Once you have developed ways to differentiate your selected lesson plan, you will then describe what your lesson plan would “look” like if an administrator came to observe your classroom. Explain what the students would be doing, the elements of differentiation that they would see, and how the classroom is effectively managed to support differentiation as described in Chapter 8. Consider if students will be working in groups, individually, or possibly how the classroom is set up to support differentiated instruction. Consider what your role will be in the lesson and what strategies you will employ to successfully manage a differentiated lesson plan. Provide scholarly evidence to support up your assertions and analysis.

Conclusion This is where you will bring closure to your assignment by wrapping your thoughts together and addressing the importance of differentiating lesson plans to meet the needs of your students.

FINAL PAPER 4 References You must have minimum of 2 scholarly sources INCLUDING your text, so really that means 3 sources should be on your reference list. Be sure you properly cite them in your text as well.