3000 words internship report , e-commerce

College of Administration and Finance Sciences

Training Report (First Drift)

Student Name:


Date: start 28/2/2017


working hours: 28 per week

company name: Alosboiya Agency-Pradion Solutions

Table of Contents

  1. Table of Contents……….………………………………….1

  2. Introduction...........................................................................2

  3. Description of the company…………..................................3

  4. Internship activities...............................................................5

  5. assessment of the internship..................................................3

  6. Conclusions ……………………….....................................10

  7. Appendices and supplementary material ............................11

  8. References.................................................. .........................14


This report will discuss the training program which has number of tasks that

done through ten weeks in one of best advertising agency in Jeddah . This company is a newspaper weekly advertising which is divided into four main

departments. These departments are Alosboiya Newspaper , Alosboiya Digital, Electronic Directory, Pradion Solutions.

The training included the following topics:

  • Training course on marketing and electronic marketing

  • Training in the establishment and updating of electronic databases (workshop) Training in the basics of telemarketing (workshop)

  • Training in marketing (several workshops)

  • Training in the use of social networks in marketing (theoretical – practical)

  • Use of mailing lists in electronic marketing

Description of the company

Alosboiya advertising Agency is a free weekly newspaper published by the Alosboiya agency in Saudi Arabia.

Unified Telephone 920020110

[email protected]



3000 words internship report , e-commerce 1

3000 words internship report , e-commerce 2

Alosboiya agency is one of Al Sorayai Group companies

Internship activities