PowerPoint Presentation and Handout format Instructions for Professor Anthony

R.Rowen Presentation Handout CAI202 Assignment 1

Social change a goal of modernism: Politics, Gender and the Role of Women in Society.

  1. How has social change been a goal of modernism?

  • Don’t overload your reader with too much text

  • Bullet points are a great way to consolidate your thoughts for the reader

  1. What political aspects do they show?

Make sure your handout flows in order with what you are talking to in your presentation

  1. What changes in gender roles were brought about?

    Table 1:Comparison of changing role of women

Heading 1

Heading 2

Be sure to have headings and link them to what you are talking to in your presentation

Tables are a great way to present information clearly and concisely

  1. What perception about women in society changed?

  1. Social Change and Modernist ArtPowerPoint Presentation and Handout format Instructions for Professor Anthony 1

    Key Points about this artwork:

    • Activities are a great way to get your audience involved.

    • But make sure you have the answers ready for discussion

PowerPoint Presentation and Handout format Instructions for Professor Anthony 2

Key Points about this artwork:

  1. Discussion questions have them prepared so your audience can think ahead and participate.

  1. What other ways did artists respond to the changing social conditions?

  2. What other artwork demonstrated this?

  3. How are people today reflecting this? (music, art, architecture, film and media)


Baudelaire, C. (1864), The Painter of Modern Life and Other Essays. Trans. J. Mayne, London, London.

Berger, J. (1972). Ways Of Seeing. London, British Broadcasting Corporation & Penguin.

Britt, D. (Ed.) (1989). Modern art: Impressionism to Post-modernism, Little Brown, Boston.