HIM205: Anatomy and Physiology for HIM I (second test)

Place the number of the corresponding item next to the number of the correct order from lowest (1) to highest (8) pH:
(Points : 8) 

Potential Matches:

1 : Stomach Acid

2 : Normal Rain Water

3 : Lemon Juice

4 : Urine

5 : Tomatoes

6 : Bread

7 : Hydrocloric Acid

8 : Soda


     : 1 (lowest)

     : 2

     : 3

     : 4

     : 5

     : 6

     : 7

     : 8 (highest)

Place the corresponding number of the title of each atom part location next to the correct letter of that location: 
(Points : 7) 

Potential Matches:

1 : Electrons

2 : Mass Number

3 : Neutrons

4 : Atomic Number

5 : Atomic Symbol

6 : Nucleus

7 : Protons


     : A

     : B

     : C

     : D

     : E

     : F

     : G

An atom has a central ____________. (Points : 1)


An atom has pathways about the nucleus called ____________. (Points : 1)


The shells of an atom are sometimes called ___________ levels. (Points : 1)


Subatomic ____________ called protons and neutrons are located in the nucleus. (Points : 1)


Electrons ____________ about the nucleus in the shells. (Points : 1)


Particles that carry either a positive (+) or negative (-) charge are termed ______________. (Points : 1)


The attraction between ____________ charged ions forms an ionic bond. (Points : 1)


Atoms with more than one shell are most stable when the outer shell contains eight ____________. (Points : 1)


Sometimes during a reaction, atoms give up or take on electrion(s) in order to achieve a ___________ outer shell. (Points : 1)


In a ___________ bond, atoms share electrons instead of losing or gaining them. (Points : 1)


Ionic bonds are created by ________________ between ions. (Points : 1)

       electrical attraction
       sharing of electrons

Covalent bonds are created by __________________ between atoms. (Points : 1)

       electrical attraction
       sharing of electrons

In a covalent bond, atoms share electrons instead of losing or gaining them. (Points : 1)


In a covalent bond, protons spend part of their time in the outer shell of each atom; therefore, they are counted as belonging to both bonded atoms. (Points : 1)


Which of the following statements are TRUE? (select all that apply) (Points : 1)

        In water, electrons spend more time circling the oxygen atom 
        Water makes up about 40-50% of the total body weight 
        Water is not the most abundant molecule in living organisms 
        Water is an inorganic molecule because it does not contain hydrogen atoms 
        Water is polar molecule with negative and positive ends 

When ions and molecules disperse in water, they move about and collide, allowing ______________ to occur.  Therefore, water is a solvent that facilitates ______________ reactions.  Ions and molecules that are water-soluble are said to be ______________. Non-ionized and non-polar molecules that do not interact with water are said to be ___________________. (Points : 1)

       reactions, chemical, hydrophilic, hydrophobic
       reactions, hydrophilic, chemical, hydrophobic
       reactions, chemical, hydrophobic, hydrophilic
       reactions, hydrophobic, chemical, hydrophilic

Hydrophilic means “water-loving”. (Points : 1)


Hydrophobic means “water-loving”. (Points : 1)


Water molecules cling together because of ________________, a property called ________________.  Water can also cling to other surfaces by hydrogen bonding, and this behavior is called ______________.  The cohesion and adhesion characteristics of water make it an excellent ______________ medium. (Points : 1)

       hydrogen bonding, cohesion, adhesion, transport
       hydrogen bonding, adhesion, cohesion, transport
       transport, adhesion, cohesion, hydrogen bonding
       transport, cohesion, adhesion, hydrogen bonding

Water flows freely and water-based solutions fill vessels, such as _____________ vessels. Blood transports ____________ and nutrients to the _________ and ____________ wastes such as carbon dioxide from the cells. (Points : 1)

       hydrogen, cells, blood, cleans
       blood, oxygen, cells, removes
       transport, hydrogen, cells, brings

Specific ____________ is the amount of heat energy needed to change an object’s temperature by exactly 1 C. Water has the highest specific heat of almost any ____________ in nature.  Water can absorb a tremendous amount of heat energy without changing its ______________ due to the ____________ bonds that link water molecules together. (Points : 1)

       heat vaporization, substance, form, oxygen
       heat capacity, liquid, temperature, oxygen
       heat capacity, substance, temperature, hydrogen

Maintaining a fairly _________________ body temperature is possible, in part, because the body is roughly 60% water.  High water content helps to ____________ the body from ______________ heat and cold in the environment.  Hydrogen bonding also accounts for water’s _____________________. (Points : 1)

       constant, insulate, extreme, high heat of vaporization
       hydrated, insulate, constant, heat capacity
       constant, hydrate, constant, high heat of vaporization

The following are considered ACIDS: (select all that apply) (Points : 1)

        HCI--> H+ + CI- 
        substances that take up hydrogen ions 
        substances that disccociate in water 
        release of hydrogen ions (H1) 
        Milk of magnesia 

The pH scale ranges from _____ to _____.  Any solution with a pH below 7 is considered _______. Even a ______ change in pH represents a _______ change in the proportional number of hydrogen and hydroxide ions in the body. (Points : 1)

       1, 14, acidic, large, small
       0, 7, basic, small, large
       0, 14, acidic, small, large
       0, 14, basic, small, large

The pH of our blood when we are healthy is always about ______. If the pH value drops below ________, the person is said to have ___________. If our pH rises above _________, the condition is called ________________. (Points : 1)

       7.4, 7.35, acidosis, 7.45, alkalosis
       7.4, 7, acidosis, 7.45, alkalosis
       7, 7.4, alkalosis, 7.35, acidosis

Explain the pH scale by filling in the blanks on the following statements:
The pH scale ranges from _______ to ______. A solution of exactly pH ______ is the pH of water. (Points : 1)

       14, 7, 0
       7, 14, 0
       0, 14, 7

pH 7, the pH of ___________ is a neutral pH because water releases an ___________ number of hydrogen ions (H+) and hydroxide ions (OH-). (Points : 1)

       water, exact
       hydrogen, equal
       hydrogen, exact
       water, equal

Place the number of the item next to the number of its order from lowest (1) to highest (8) pH:
(Points : 8) 

Potential Matches:

1 : Stomach Antacids

2 : Human Blood

3 : NaOH

4 : Milk

5 : Tears

6 : Oven Cleaner

7 : Ammonia

8 : Milk of Magnesia


     : 1 (lowest)

     : 2

     : 3

     : 4

     : 5

     : 6

     : 7

     : 8 (highest)

The four categories of molecules unique to cells are: __________, __________, __________, and __________. (Points : 1)

       carbon, nitrogen, proteins, and lipids
       carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids
       nucleic acids, oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen
       hydrogen, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids

A HYDROLYSIS REACTION consists of the following (select all that apply): (Points : 1)

        Removing an OH (hydroxyl group) and an –H (hydrogen atom) – the equivalent of a water molecule – to form a molecule 
        Functions to break up macromolecules 
        Decomposition of a macromolecule 
        “splitting with water” 
        Functions in the synthesis of macromolecules 

Which of the following are individual subunits of CARBOHYDRATES (select all that apply): (Points : 1)


Which of the following are individual subunits of PROTEINS (select all that apply): (Points : 1)


Which type of carbohydrates named below, function in cells to provide IMMEDIATE ENERGY? (select all that apply): (Points : 1)


A fat or an oil forms when one _____________ molecule reacts with three fatty _________ molecules.  A fat is sometimes call a ______________ because of its three-part structure, or a ____________ fat because the molecule is non-polar and carries no __________. (Points : 1)

       neutral, glycerol, carbon, combine, charge
       glycerol, acid, triglyceride, neutral, charge
       carbon, acid, triglyceride, combine, water

Fatty acids can be saturated if there are double bonds between ________ atoms, or unsaturated if there are double bonds between carbon atoms.  When a fat molecule forms, three fatty acids __________ with glycerol, and three ________ molecules are produced. (Points : 1)

       neutral, combine, carbon
       glycerol, charge, triglyceride
       carbon, combine, water

Lipids contain more energy per gram than carbohydrates (Points : 1)


Some lipids function as short-term energy storage molecules in organisms (Points : 1)


Which of the following statements are TRUE? (Points : 1)

        Fat is used for short-term energy usage 
        Fat forms a protective cushion around major organs 
        Steroids have an entirely different structure from fats 
        Phospholipids are the backbone of cellular membranes 
        Fat insulates against heat gain 

Which of the following statements are FALSE? (select all that apply) (Points : 1)

        enzymes are proteins 
        myosin is a protein 
        collagen is not a protein 
        many hormones are proteins 
        antibodies are not proteins 
        keratin is not a protein 

Think of DNA as a “blueprint” – a set of instructions for assembling and entire building.  Using this example, RNA would be the ____________, made from the blueprint, describing how to put beams ___________ to make a wall.  The nucleotides in DNA contain the 5-carbon sugar ____________; the nucleotides in RNA contain the sugar __________.  This difference accounts for their respective __________. (Points : 1)

       plan, up, sucrose, ribose, names
       directions, together, deoxyribose, ribose, names
       cell, in, glucose, ribose, functions

Match the number of the correct term to the letter of its location within the following sentence: 
The nucleotides in DNA contain the 5-carbon sugar ___A____; the nucleotides in RNA contain the sugar _____B____.  There are four different types of bases in DNA: A = _____C___, T = _____D______, G = ____E_____, and C = _____F_____.  In RNA, the base ______G_______ replaces the base thymine.
(Points : 7) 

Potential Matches:

1 : uracil

2 : adenine

3 : ribose

4 : thymine

5 : guanine

6 : cytosine

7 : deoxyribose


     : A

     : B

     : C

     : D

     : E

     : F

     : G

Nucleic acids contain ____________ information that determines which ____________ a cell will have.  Two classes of nucleic acids are in cells: DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and RNA (ribonucleic acid). DNA makes up the hereditary units called ____________. Genes pass on from generation to generation the instructions for ____________ DNA, making RNA, and ____________ amino acids to form the ____________ of a cell.  RNA is an intermediary in the process of protein synthesis, conveying information from DNA regarding the amino acid ____________ in proteins. (Points : 1)

       hereditary, proteins, genes, replicating, joining, proteins, sequence
       protein, sequence, genes, joining, insides, sequence
       hereditary, sequence, genes, completing, forming, proteins, replication

Which of the following statements are TRUE? (select all that apply) (Points : 1)

        Cells require an occasional supply of ATP to carry out their functions. 
        Adenosine triphosphate is the primary energy carrier in cells. 
        Energy released from the breakdown of food fuels cellular reactions and warms the body at the same time. 

Which of the following statements are FALSE? (select all that apply) (Points : 1)

        In muscle cells, ATP is used for muscle contraction. 
        Cells do not require ATP energy to synthesize macromolecules. 
        All body cells use ATP energy to inhibit their various functions. 

Match the following Chapter 02 "BASIC KEY TERMS" with their correct definitions:
(Points : 10) 

Potential Matches:

1 : organic compounds with general formula, including sugars and glycogen .        

2 : polysaccharide very abundant in plant tissues that human enzymes cannot break down.

3 : number of protons and electrons an atom of an element has when the element is electrically neutral.

4 : a metal ion, vitamin, or other substance that acts with an enzyme to bring about certain effect.

5 : base solution in which pH is more than 7; a substance that contributed or liberates hydroxide ions in a solution; alkaline; opposite of acid.

6 : substance or compound that prevents large changes in pH of a solution         

7 : unit of a protein that takes its name from the fact that it contains an amino group and an acid g                 

8 : the molecular attraction exerted between the surfaces of bodies in contact         

9 : solution in which pH is less than 7; substance that contributes or liberates hydrogen ions in a solution; opposite of base.

10 : molecule used by cells when energy is needed                                               


     : ATP

     : Acid

     : Buffer

     : Adhesion

     : Atomic number

     : Amino acid

     : Base

     : Cofactors

     : Cellulose

     : Carbohydrate

Match the following Chapter 02 "BASIC KEY TERMS" with their correct definitions:
(Points : 10) 

Potential Matches:

1 : the simplest of substances, consisting of only one type of atom   

2 : breaking up of fat globules into smaller droplets by the action of bile salts      

3 : small, negatively charged particle that revolves around the nucleus of an atom

4 : any substance that ionizes and conducts electricity; electrolytes are present in the body fluids and tissues.

5 : unit of heredity located on a chromosome                                                      

6 : protein catalyst that speeds up a specific reaction or a specific type of reaction         

7 : in a covalent molecule, the atom that tend to retain electrons and thus posses a partial negative charge.

8 : molecule that contains a hydrocarbon chain and ends with an acid group                 

9 : in an organic molecule, a particular side chain attached to a larger molecule, which then gives the larger molecule its characteristic properties                                                                        

10 : organic molecule that the body uses for long-term energy storage        


     : Emulsification

     : Electronegative

     : Electrons

     : Fats

     : Functional groups

     : Gene

     : Elements

     : Electrolyte

     : Enzyme

     : Fatty acid

Match the following Chapter 02 "BASIC KEY TERMS" with their correct definitions:
(Points : 10) 

Potential Matches:

1 : three-carbon molecule that joins with fatty acids to form fat             

2 : polysaccharide that is the principal storage compound for sugar in animals              

3 : amount of energy needed to turn water into steam    

4 : type of molecule that interacts with water by dissolving in water and/or forming hydrogen bonds with water molecules                                                                                                                             

5 : splitting of a bond by the addition of water                         

6 : type of molecule that is not an organic molecule; not derived from a living organism        

7 : blood sugar that is broken down in cells to acquire energy for ATP production         

8 : type of molecule that does not interact with water because it is nonpolar         

9 : weak attraction between a partially positive hydrogen and a partially negative oxygen or nitrogen some distance away; found in proteins and nucleic acids                                              

10 : six-carbon sugar                                                                                                      


     : Glycogen

     : Hydrogen bond

     : Hexose

     : Hydrophilic

     : Glucose

     : Hydrophobic

     : Hydrolysis reaction

     : Heat of vaporization

     : Inorganic molecule

     : Glycerol

Match the following Chapter 02 "BASIC KEY TERMS" with their correct definitions:
(Points : 10) 

Potential Matches:

1 : all of the chemical changes that occur within cells

2 : a charged atom                                                                                                                 

3 : formed from salts that dissociates after dissolving in water        

4 : milk sugar formed from glucose                                                                      

5 : one or two or more atoms with the same atomic number that differs in the number of neutrons and, therefore, in weight                                                                                                                      

6 : raised growth on the skin due to an overgrowth of melanocytes           

7 : group of organic compounds that are insoluble in water-notably, fats, oils, and steroids            

8 : simple sugar; a carbohydrate that cannot be decomposed by hydrolysis    

9 : chemical attraction between a positive ion and a negative ion      

10 : a disaccharide that contains two glucose molecules


     : Monosaccharide

     : Ionic lattice

     : Isotope

     : Lactose

     : Lipid

     : Mole

     : Maltose

     : Metabolism

     : Ionic bond

     : Ion

Match the following Chapter 02 "BASIC KEY TERMS" with their correct definitions:
(Points : 10) 

Potential Matches:

1 : substances, usually of plant origin and liquid at room temp. formed when a glycerol molecule reacts with three fatty acid molecules                                                                                                                       

2 : carbon containing molecule                                                           

3 : created when electrons shared by adjacent atoms are shared equally

4 : measure of the hydrogen ion concentration; any pH below 7is acidic; any pH above 7 is basic

5 : large organic molecule found in the nucleus and in the cytoplasm            

6 : five-carbon sugar; deoxyribose is the pentose sugar found in DNA               

7 : electrically neutral particle in an atomic nucleus

8 : a triglyceride                                                                                                     

9 : building block of a nucleic acid molecule, consisting of a sugar, nitrogen-containing base, and phosphate group                         

10 : bond that joins two amino acids                                                          


     : Oils

     : Neutrons

     : Peptide bond

     : Non-polar covalent bond

     : Organic molecule

     : Nucleotide

     : Neutral fat

     : Pentose

     : Nucleic acid

     : pH scale

Match the following Chapter 02 "BASIC KEY TERMS" with their correct definitions:
(Points : 10) 

Potential Matches:

1 : lipid that contains two fatty acid molecules and a phosphate group combined with a glycerol molecule

2 :  the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide                     

3 : combination of atoms in which the electrical charge is not distributed symmetrically 

4 : positively charged particle in an atomic nucleus                                        

5 : arrangements of individual polypeptides gives a protein           

6 : bond created when electrons shared by adjacent atoms are shared unequally  

7 : atom whose nucleus undergoes degeneration and in the process gives off radiation     

8 : macromolecule composed of amino acids                                                     

9 : carbohydrate composed of many bonded glucose units         

10 : a compound formed by the union of many amino acid molecules            


     : Quaternary structure

     : Primary structure

     : Polypeptide

     : phospholipids

     : Protons

     : Protein

     : Polysaccharide

     : Radioactive isotope

     : Polar covalent bond

     : Polar molecule

Match the following Chapter 02 "BASIC KEY TERMS" with their correct definitions:
(Points : 10) 

Potential Matches:

1 : nucleic acid that helps DNA in protein synthesis                                             

2 : the reactant in an enzymatic reaction                                                        

3 : polysaccharide that is common in foods of plant origin                            

4 : amount of energy needed to change an object’s temp. by exactly 1 C

5 : lipid-soluble, biologically active molecules having four interlocking rings     

6 : coiling or folding of a protein                                                   

7 : chemical reaction involving both decomposition and synthesis, in which two new compounds are formed.             

8 : major component of a solution, usually liquid or gas

9 : compound produced by a reaction between an acid and base                  

10 : organic molecule that includes a fatty acid molecule which lacks double bonds between the atoms of its carbon chain                                                                                                                          


     : RNA

     : Steroids

     : Saturated fatty acids

     : Starch

     : Replacement reactions

     : Solvent

     : Secondary structure

     : Salt

     : Substrate

     : Specific heat capacity

Match the following Chapter 02 "CLINICAL KEY TERMS" with their correct definitions:
(Points : 7) 

Potential Matches:

1 : defective mineralization of the skeleton, usually due to inadequate vitamin D in the body.

2 : elevated blood pressure, particularly the diastolic pressure.

3 : abnormal heart rhythm.

4 : excessive accumulation of bases in body fluids.

5 : proteinaceous infectious particles; thought to cause neurological disease.

6 : substance having an attached radioactive isoptope that allows a researcher to track its whereabouts in a biological system.

7 : excessive accumulation of acids in body fluids.


     : Alkalosis

     : Hypertension

     : Prion

     : Acidosis

     : Rickets

     : Tracer

     : Arrhythmia

Match the following Chapter 02 "BASIC KEY TERMS" with their correct definitions:
(Points : 4) 

Potential Matches:

1 : to build up, as in the combining of two small molecules to form a larger molecule.

2 : organic compound that includes a fatty acid molecule having one or more double bonds between the atoms of its carbon chain.

3 : lipid composed of three fatty acids combined with a glycerol molecule.

4 : hydrogen, ionic, and covalent bonding all occur in polypeptides.


     : Triglyceride

     : Tertiary structure

     : Synthesis reactions

     : Unsaturated fatty acids