For The grAde


Website Plan for "Name of Website (click and insert text)"

  1. Website Purpose Statement

"Insert text here" Delete this and the following text which is just a guide: The purpose statement should be a brief description of your website’s goals and objectives. Please remember that goals and objectives are not synonymous.

  1. Target Audience

"Insert text here." Delete this and the following text which is just a guide: Identify your target audience and determine its wants, needs, and likely expectations that your website’s design and content should satisfy. Describe your audience and provide a brief description of the wants, needs, and likely expectations of the website.

  1. Website Page Plan

"Insert text here." Delete this and the following text which is just a guide: Identify all the pages you initially plan to include in your website and provide a brief description of each page.

  1. Value Added Content

"Insert text here." Delete this and the following text which is just a guide: Identify value-added content that will help achieve your website’s purpose and satisfy target audience needs. Identify possible sources for the content, keeping in mind copyright restrictions.

  1. Accessibility and Usability Plan

"Insert text here." Delete this and the following text which is just a guide: Identify possible accessibility and usability issues as discussed in Chapter 2, and explain how you plan to resolve them. Explain how your website meets or follows the accessibility guidelines set forth in Section 508.

  1. Website Structure Design Plan (Text Outline)

"Insert text here." Delete this and the following text which is just a guide: Determine which of the three website structures, linear/tutorial, webbed, or hierarchical (or a combination of structures), best fit your website design and will best meet your website’s purpose. Explain why you chose that structure.

  1. Website Structure Design Plan (wire-frame)

"Insert illustration here." Delete this and the following text which is just a guide: Use drawing tools like Microsoft Word drawing tools, Visio, or some other drawing application to manually draw the structure or create a storyboard. Or, you may use flowcharting software to illustrate your website’s structure (copying and pasting it here). This section MUST contain a diagram or drawing to illustrate your website structure.