Week 1: Discussion 1 and 2 Student Response

Ashford 2: - Week 1 - Instructor Guidance Ashford 1: Meet Your Instructor - Faculty Expectations

Contact Information

If your question is about the course or an assignment, please post it in the "Ask Your Instructor" section as someone else may have the same question.

If your question is more specific to you (e.g. your grades, content is of personal nature, etc.), email is the best way to contact your instructor. Please refer to the email address posted in Meet Your Instructor. For available office hours, please review the announcements posted in the course.

Instructor's Expectations of the Students

The Learning Week:

All online courses at Ashford are divided into a series of Learning Weeks, which always begin on a Tuesday and end on a Monday. All assignment due dates refer to the end of the day (11:59 pm) in student's own time zone. When you log in to class, you will see the Course Calendar in the left-hand menu bar, so you will always know what day an assignment is due during each week. When in doubt, feel free to ask!

Discussion Forum Late Policy:

Please refer to the announcements section of the course for a detailed discussion board late policy.

Written Assignment Late Policy:

Written Assignments penalties (essays, journals, presentations, final papers):

  • 10% off per day for up to 3 days

  • If 4 days late, the assignment may receive a zero

*This late policy applies to written assignments only. Please refer to the Faculty Announcements in this course for information regarding late policies on Discussions, Quizzes, and Exams.

Please contact your instructor if you are unable to meet assignment deadlines or have questions regarding the late policy.

Recycling Policy:

Please refer to the Student Responsibilities and Policies section of the course.

Other Course Expectations:

  • Please review Ashford's Plagiarism policy. Students of Ashford University are expected to maintain high standards of academic integrity. Ashford University defines academic dishonesty as deceitful and/or deceptive attempts to fulfill academic requirements. While plagiarism is the most common form of academic dishonesty, cheating or furnishing fabricated or false information to Ashford University officials and faculty (such as lying to affect a grade change) are also acts of academic dishonesty and will be met with censure. The academic community of the University believes that one of the goals of an institution of higher learning is to strengthen academic integrity and responsibility among its members. To this end, the University, throughout its history, has emphasized the importance of sound judgment and a personal sense of responsibility in each student. All members of the academic community are expected to abide by the highest standards of academic integrity.

  • Please review the Student Responsibilities and Policies section of the course under the course home tab

  • Discussion Board Requirements: please review announcements for any specific details that may be required regarding discussion participation.

  • Please review Ashford's netiquette policy under the course home tab.

  • Please refer to the Course Materials section for information on required texts and resources.

Students' Expectations of the Instructor

Response time: When can students expect to receive an answer to questions?

  • The instructor will answer questions within 48 hours when posted in the "Ask Your Instructor" forum. The instructor will answer student emails within 48 hours.

Grades: When can students expect to see grades?

  • Discussion board grades will be posted within 72 hours after the end of each week, i.e., 11:59 pm on Thursday.

  • Written assignment grades and feedback are due within 6 days after the submission due date, i.e., if a student paper is due by 11:59 pm on Monday, instructor feedback and grade are due by 11:59 pm on the following Sunday.

  • Final grades will be posted within 6 days after the course ends, i.e., 11:59 pm on Sunday.

Weekly Guidance: When can students expect to see Weekly Guidance posted?

  • Weekly Guidance will be posted PRIOR to the beginning of each week.