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Motivation to Improve Performance
Your Name

Course Number and Name of Course
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Dr. Eva M. Ananiewicz

Date submitted


Create a one (1) page outline in which you select topics and subtopics around your recommendations to improve the employee’s involvement. Make sure to review all the help links for this in the assignment.

Critical Topic One (name it but remember key words in headings are capitalized)

Explain three (3) of the most critical topics you have included in your outline, and propose a potential course of implementation. (3-4 pages).

Critical Topic Two (name it but remember key words in headings are capitalized)

Critical Topic Three (name it but remember key words in headings are capitalized)


Write a concluding paragraph that summarizes the first four topics. Heading Centered-


References (note heading is centered and on its own page and not bold) Always keep in mind that References need to be in alphabetical order. Always double space the references and make sure to indent the second and third lines.

Make sure to delete all the text below before submitting your paper

How to Cite

(Tarzijan, 2004, p. 321). To avoid any issues concerning plagiarism, write in your own words, cite, and quote. (Narasimhan & Wilcox, 1998). This is how to cite.

The following are examples for textbooks, journals, and websites. This is the format you should use and further clarification can be found in the APA 6th edition manual and the following two websites: I also posted a paper and how the references should look like, keep in mind references are always in alphabetical order.


(note, this heading is not bold but centered) References are on their own page.

Notice no first names used, only initials and in alphabetical order.

Bergenstock, D. (2004). An analysis of the international diamond market. Lewiston, NY: The

Edward Mellon Press.

Chang, S. et al. (2002). The global diamond industry. Chazen Web Journal of International Business. Retrieved from (URL needed here since not sure if it will change)

Porter, M. (2004). What is strategy? In S. Segal-Horn (Ed.),

The strategy reader (pp. 41-62). Victoria, AU: Blackwell Publishing.

Segal-Horn, S. (Ed.), (2004). The strategy reader. Victoria, AU: Blackwell Publishing.

Notice the title of the book here

Yi, S. & Baumgartner, H. (2004). Coping with negative emotions in purchase-related situations.

Journal of Consumer Psychology, 14(3), 303-317. (this is an example of a journal article from EBSCO no need to reference website since it is an online database, no doi number)

How to format:


Author's Last name, first initial. Middle initial (year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume (issue if there is one), pp-pp, doi:xx.xxxxxxxxxx If no issue volume is not in italics. See Owl at Purdue website ( for details on doi and multiple authors.


Title of article. (date of publication). Website. Retrieved from URL address

Professional Web site (from

National Renewable Energy Laboratory. (2008). Biofuels. Retrieved from

 When there is no author for a web page, the title moves to the first position of the reference entry: From the APA website.

New child vaccine gets funding boost. (2001). Retrieved from