HR paper



Write a report to the President of the Fair Work Commission advising him of any changes that you consider should be made to the Better Off Overall Test or BOOT. (40 marks)

Word Length: 2500-3000 words

HRMT20027 – Assessment Item 2 – Report marking criteria

Name: Student No:

The report will be assessed on the extent to which it meets each of the following criteria;

Content: Does your report demonstrate


Depth of knowledge and critical analysisof the topic

/ 25

Appropriateness of responses to the topic question

/ 5

Relevant and accurate literature; AT LEAST 5 academic sources such as textbooks and peer-reviewed journals. Please note websites will NOT be considered to meet this criterion.

/ 2

Presentation: Does your report demonstrate

Report has clear introduction, body & conclusion. Clarity of expression/grammar and spelling

/ 5

ReferencingstyleconfirmswithHarvard author-datesystemasperFaculty ‘GuideforStudents

/ 2

Appropriate word length relevant to topic.

/ 1

Late Penalty

Additional comments:

Final mark

/ 40