Preparing Research Reports

The Structure of a Research Paper

  • The first element is the Title

  • The Title is followed by an Abstract

  • The abstract is followed by an Introduction

  • Following the introduction/literature review is the Method, Researchers states the # of participants, how they were selected, and demographics (age/gender)

    • Sub sections: Measures-Qualitative/Quantitative

    • Optional: Procedures/ Data Analysis

  • Results: Results of the analysis

  • Discussion: Interpretation of the outcome

  • References


  • Abstracts should cover three essential elements: 1. Research hypothesis, purposes, or questions. 2. Highlights of the research methods, including mentions of the participants and methods. 3. Highlights of the results.

Introduction and Literature Review

  • The body of a typical research report begins immediately below the abstract, without a main heading. The introductory comments are usually integrated with the literature review.  The first purpose of an integrated introduction and literature review is to identify the research problem area.  The second purpose is to establish its importance.

Describing Participants

  • In research reports, the subheading Participants appears immediately under the main heading of Method.

  • Provide the # of participants, selected demographics, methods of recruitment, the response rate.

Describing Measures

  • Quantitative Researchers usually use objective measures such as multiple-choice tests and attitude scales. (I.e. “Strongly agree” to “Strongly disagree”. When a quantitative researcher uses a previously published measure, you should cite it and include a reference for it.

  • Qualitative researchers usually use less-structured measures than quantitative researchers, qualitative researchers should explicitly provide specific information on their measurement methods

Reporting Research Results

  • List the results of the research.

  • When there are a number of related statistics to report, it is usually best to present them in a table.

Writing the Discussion

  • The last part of the body of a research report is the discussion.

  • Begin by referring to the original purposes of the research, which may have been stated as research questions, purposes, or hypotheses.

  • Indicate, the extent to which the purposes were achieved as represented by the research results.

  • State limitations in the methodology.

  • It is appropriate to suggest directions for future research.

  • This paper will have the student select an important policing topic from one of their policing courses that they believe could benefit from research.

  • The student will then analyze the issue and build a research proposal based on what has been learned in this 5 course

  • ATTENTION: PLEASE choose a policing topic that is NOT body cameras, and strictly within the United States MAJOR CITIES IF POSSIBLE LIKE NEW YORK CITY OR CHICAGO