strategic plan


Mission, Vision and selected population

Brittany Ranck

Rasmussen College

Author’s Note: This paper is being resubmitted on Thursday, April 20, 2017 for Kim Sander’s class Health Care Management Capstone.

Population and its characteristics

The population that will be analyzed in this document is the town of Cold Spring, MN. Some of the characteristics of the population include the following; concerning age, most individuals found in the area comprise the Millennial, baby boomers and Generation X. The society has both male and female people, but the female populations seem to outnumber that of men since most of the time I come across many women than men along the streets. Diverse ethics exist in the community as have spotted many individuals from the Hispanic community; others are Africans and the Black Americans and another from the White community. I could notice their ethnic background from the languages they use and the fact that the people are from the community of Cold Spring as it is a smaller town. The health status of the community is not okay as a few weeks ago; there was a campaign drive aimed at educating the members on the importance of water sanitation as the water has been tested in the few months and shown in cases to be undrinkable.

Proposed strategy that can help improve sanitation

Since the population seems to be having a problem with aces to clean water, sanitation, and hygiene, a strategic plan that will be sustainable is improving the capacity of community institutions for sustainable sanitation services in a period of five years. That is, develop a plan designed to offer technical support in developing water systems and provide some materials to the institutions that will enable steady supply of water in all households. The strategy will reduce the number of people who do not access clean water and sanitation. The target areas in the policy are schools and other institution like churches.

Mission and vision

The strategy of water and sanitation will be based on the fact that people in the community should have access to safe water for drinking and an improved sanitation facility that will serve the whole community.


The purpose of the plan is to protect the health of the community and the surrounding by offering clean water and sanitation of exceptional quality and values.


The vision is that everyone in the community should have access to safe drinking water and sanitation. Access to these basic needs is necessary for the well-being of human beings, the potential for a community to develop and necessary for a reduced outbreak of diseases and death due to inadequate sanitation.

Q2- Health plan

To achieve the mission and vision of the project, it will involve including the community members in identifying priorities and developing the activities of the project in a holistic manner as a way of maximizing the impact. Since the program strives to ensure that the program is based on evidence, relevant and appropriate technology will be used. It may be noted that the recent years have seen a transition in how projects are being implemented to have a sustainable development by building local capacities to strengthen an enabling atmosphere. The key aims of the guide to the realization of the health plan will involve addressing the change objectives and refine roles and deliverables to show the next progress and establish a foundation for the anticipated long-term change in water and sanitation. The primary focus will be on Advocacy, Action, and leadership, monitoring of the program and frequent updates concerning the development of the project to shareholders. Besides, implementing the plan is not enough; it is paramount to have management and quality improvement that will be put in place to help ensure that the project becomes sustainable. It is also important to identify risks that may occur as a result of the project.

The reason for developing the vision and the mission is to enable the participants of the project to aim towards achieving the mission and vision statement (Baumgartner, 2014). The mission is the purpose of the project, and it will be helpful in measuring whether the project met is the purpose and attained the objectives. The mission is to achieve a healthy community within five years. It will help to measure if the purpose was achieved after the five years (Campbell & Tawadey., 2016).


Baumgartner, R. J. (2014). Managing corporate sustainability and CSR: A conceptual framework combining values, strategies and instruments contributing to sustainable development. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 21(5), 258-271.

Campbell, A., & Tawadey, K. (2016). Mission and business philosophy. Elsevier.