10-12 page final project due today by 11:00pm central time.

Insert your header here by using “Insert” then “Header” then “Edit”


This is the Title of My Assignment

My Name

CNDV 5334 Measurement and Assessment

Lamar University

Repeat Your Title Here

This is where you introduce the purpose and format of the paper (Note that you do not type “Introduction”). Keep in mind that each section you create (under each subheading you create) will need at least one paragraph (i.e. a minimum of three sentences).

Goals and Purposes of the Assessment Program/Plan

Here is where you will discuss the overall goals an purposes of the assessment plan you are creating. Be sure to cite references in-text as you write

Information Needed

Here is where you will discuss the next point in your application. Specifically, you will identify the types of information needed to make decisions (for example for Schools - state and district assessment calendars, state standardized testing protocols for test integrity, state reporting requirements. For Mental Health - social history, family history, suicidal behavior)

Assessment Instruments

Here is where you will identify the specific instruments to be given and establish procedures for their selection and use. Develop sub-headings as needed to delineate the points you are making.

Disseminating Results

Assessment plans require dissemination of results. This section is where you will discuss your plan for sharing results with identified stakeholders.

Ongoing Evaluation

Here is where you will discuss how you will conduct ongoing evaluation of your plan. How will you know what you are doing is working?

Add a concluding paragraph to your paper. You do not need to title it Conclusion.


(Notice that this starts on a new page. To make sure it stays on its own page, use Insert>Page Break.)Your references will follow the general format below and will be double spaced without additional spaces between. Be sure to consult your APA manual for specific instructions on reference formatting.

LastName, FirstInitials. (year). Title of article in lower case unless first word, proper noun, or following a colon. Journal Title in Italics, volume, (issue), 00-00.

  • Wk 4 Assignment: Planning an Assessment Program

Attached Files:

    •  Week 4 Key Assessment Template CNDV 5334.doc (29 KB)

Using this week’s textbook readings as a guide, your assignment will be to design an assessment program. 

Planning a School or Agency Assessment Program

Using this week’s textbook readings as a guide, your assignment will be to design a school or agency assessment program. This program should be created in the APA template provided .

Drummond , Sheperis, and Jones recommend following six steps in designing an assessment program. The six steps include:

  1. Identify the goals and purposes of the assessment program/plan

  2. Identify the types of information needed to make decisions (for example for Schools - state and district assessment calendars, state standardized testing protocols for test integrity, state reporting requirements. For Mental Health -  social history, family history, suicidal behavior)

  3. Identify the types of instruments to be given and establish procedures for selecting them (Use assessment instrument review)

  4. Identify the responsibilities of the staff in the assessment program/plan

  5. Develop procedures for disseminating assessment results to appropriate individuals

  6. Develop an evaluation strategy to continuously monitor the assessment program/plan

This assignment is your key assessment and is worth 75 points. Please submit the assignment to Blackboard and TK20 by 11:59 p.m. (CST) on day 7 of Week 4.