10-12 page final project due today by 11:00pm central time.


Planning and Assessment Program

Revon L. Spain

CNDV 5334 Measurement and Assessment

Lamar University

Planning an Assessment Program

Goals and Purposes of the Assessment Program/Plan

Assessment is the means of providing students with multiple measures and prospects to create and illustrate what they can do with the information they have learned. This ability is converted into a complete image when the teacher can create poise between formative and summative assessments ("Goals, Objectives and Outcomes", 2017). The main characteristic that assessment should possess is authenticity; this will also include alternative and integrated performance evaluations. For a student to benefit from assessment programs, it essential that the assessor determines what the learner is to identify, understand and accomplish ("Goals, Objectives and Outcomes", 2017). Once these goals and objectives are set, an assessment should be conducted to reflect how well the goals have been met.

Information Needed

In most school districts, the state government is responsible for the development, scoring, and reporting of the results of assessment. These requirements are always in line with the needs of the state such as ensuring that the curriculum is completed before the end of the academic year. Moreover, to ensure equality to all students the assessment method used will be standardized. Finally, during the admission of special education students, several conditions have to be accounted for such as sociability, family history, and suicidal tendencies ("State Assessment Programs", 2017). All this information is necessary to determine the quality and content of the education they shall receive. This type of evaluation may involve observation or the interviewing of the student’s caretakers.

Assessment Instruments

An assessment tool is a complete set of credentials needed to assess one or more competencies. Each tool must include two or three instruments that support the method being used for assessment. From that understanding, it is clear that an assessment instrument is part of the assessment tool kit includes lists and instructions needed to conduct one section of a competency- grounded assessment (Napier, 2014). Each instrument plays a critical role in outlining the evidence the student needs to provide and describe to determine the criteria to judge performance (Napier, 2014). These instruments may include:

  1. Observation checklist – this is the use of vision to identify critical requirements that have been listed.

  2. Verbal Questioning - it is an essential technique used to gain information, and without social communication skills, one can fail.

Disseminating Results

To maintain confidence and self-esteem, the dissemination of results has to be conducted with utmost privacy considerations. Results represent the performance of an individual in an assessment; therefore, the results should maintain private as the assessment (Napier, 2014). The best technique for disseminating results would be by maintaining privacy, and this may be through direct handing of the results or online posting to specific school accounts.

Ongoing Evaluation

Evaluation is an important procedure that is carried out to test the level of performance of any strategy being used. With various techniques available to measure performance by far the best and most dynamic is the comparative method. This technique employee the use of records that were kept before the new strategy and results after the strategy. If the outcomes are positive, therefore the implementations are performing according to their requirements. If not, then changes should be made on the plan.

Assessment is a necessary means of determining whether professional educational strategies being implemented are effective. With the help of a dynamic evaluation process, it can be determined whether the students are advancing.


Goals, Objectives and Outcomes. (2017). Assessment.uconn.edu. Retrieved 1 May 2017, from http://assessment.uconn.edu/assessment-primer/assessment-primer-goals-objectives-and-outcomes/

Napier, D. (2014). Qualities of Education in a Globalized World (1st Ed.). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

State Assessment Programs. (2017). Ets.org. Retrieved 1 May 2017, from https://www.ets.org/k12/assessments/state-assessment-programs/