Discussion Board

INT 113 Module One Discussion Sample : Country Composition and Geography Follow the format of this post to complete your own analysis. You will use some of the same resources cited in the references , so follow the same citation format. The country I have chosen for the final project is Turkey. I visited Turkey several years ago and really enjoyed my time meeting the locals and visiting historical sites, like Ephesus. There has been a lot of talk about the growth Turkey has seen in more r ecent years, which has piqued my interest in regard to investment. (World Atlas, 2015) Geographic E lements ( Central Intelligence Agency , 2015): Regional l ocation Southeastern Europe, Southwestern Asia Water a ccess Black Sea, Aegean Sea, Mediterranean Sea Bordering c ountries Greece, Syria, Bulgaria, Georgia, Iraq, Iran, Armenia, Azerbaijan Natural hazards or climate Earthquakes, volcanic activity Country C omposition ( Central Intelligence Agency , 2015): Literacy r ate 95% (15 and older) Rate of u rbanization 1.97% (rate of change) and 72.9% urban population Heavily populated c ities Istanbul (13.954m), Ankara (4.644m), Bursa (1.869m), Adana (1.778m) Major r eligions Muslim (99.8%) - Sunni Educational d ata Education e xpenditures (2.9% of GDP) Age s tructure 0–14 (25.5%), 15 –25 (16.8%), 25 –54 (42.9%), 55 –64 (8.10%), 65+ (6.7%) Business o bservations:  The geographic location allows for easy access to both Europe and Asia.  The water access allows for easy shipping options as well.  Due to the proximity to certain regions that have political unrest, there would be some risks involved with heavy investments to the region.  The age structure indicates a strong labor force with the majority of the population being i n that working age category (15 –54). The majority of the population can read and write as well, which is promising for training purposes.  Istanbul has the largest population and easy access to other parts of Europe. References Central Intelligence Agency. (2015). The world factbook: Turkey . Retrieved from https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the - world -factbook/geos/tu.html World Atlas. (2015). Turkey . Retrieved from http://www.worldatlas.com/webimage/countrys/asia/tr.htm