Martin Luther King Jr.

  1. Introduction

    1. Background of journalism, first amendment.

    2. State traditional model of journalism and advertising model.

    3. How the internet is changing the media and the industry; is it better or worse?

  2. Description of Artifact

    1. Rhetor: Tom Rosenstiel is an author, journalist, media critic and executive director of the American press institute. Get more background on him.

    2. Message: Technology and digital media in journalism; where it’s going, how to get there and some benefits and conflicts. State of the future of the industry.

    3. Context: May 28, 2013. Plan to find: new technology, average amount of layoffs in the industry, political climate, administration transparency, media reputation, etc. Compare then to now, just four years later.

    4. Audience: journalists, student journalists, retired journalists, members of media, politicians, general public, commentators, teachers, etc. 

  3. Method

    1. Pick speech

    2. Watch speech

    3. Transcribe speech (could not find transcription available)

    4. Find and develop theme, arguments.

  4. Findings

    1. “In this essay, I argue Rosenstiel’s “Future of Journalism” describes the new enlightenment. Specifically, he articulates (1) a new technology and (2) a new strategy for news producers and consumers.”

      1. New technology: the internet, digital products, smart phones, tablets, etc. Changing the format to meet people where they are. Print’s not dead, but journalism has to adapt. 

      2. New strategy: finding new revenue, crowdsourcing for journalism, type of content “bored, in line” stories. No more ads, then how do you make money? How do you survive?

  5. Discussion

    1. Changing the platform (technology) in which the audience consumes news to what they want, changes the expectation of journalism.

      1. Longer formats, more evidence shown, created for online (phones, tablets, desktops, etc.)

        1. A new audience is wanting to receive news; comparison of people who read newspapers to people who only read news digitally. 

        2. Alternative story formats; how social media plays into consuming news.

    2. With information readily available at any time, information overload and selective exposure to news has increased. This is problematic. 

      1. Having too much information creates a lot of surface level stories and not enough deeper coverage that explains the topics fully. 

      2. People choosing only news “organizations” they “trust” leads to biased reading and reporting from curated outlets. Compare this to newer “news organizations” and the reputations of current outlets, especially broadcast.

      3. Overloads of information make it more difficult to determine what is true and not; fake news explanation and argument here. 

    3. Newspaper publishers need to find a new way to make revenue because the current advertising model is not working anymore.

      1. What people did in 2013, what people are doing now, what people could do for revenue. Give examples.

  6. Conclusion

    1. Why do we care? Why is this important? How does this fit into a bigger piece? 

      1. News affects everyone. How news is produced and consumed creates demands for the industry. This time, the “new enlightenment” is providing consumers with the opportunity to help create the new model for journalism. Though it will always be ever-changing, figuring out the next steps will continue to keep people informed.

      2. Remind of journalisms’ power: to hold power to account and provide accurate news and information to people.