Business Homework Help

  • Week 4 Assignment 2Business Homework Help 1

  • Week 4 Assignment 2 Checklist 

Attached Files:

    •  BUS419 - Assignment #2 - Checklist.pdf (154.826 KB)

    •  BUS419 - Assignment #2 Overview.ppsx (8.651 MB)


Your second assignment will be basically updating your project charter (aka, "fact sheet") about your project (using the information provided in this checklist & overview) and updating the project schedule using Microsoft Project (or another project schedule tool). Remember, for Assignment #2, you will need to
- add at least 5 new activities to your project schedule and explain the changes (what/why) in your paper
- update your schedule by creating work packages  (grouping activities) as shown in the overview
- explain your project costs (most of this was provided in Assignment #1)
- explain how you plan to deliver your project on time and under budget
- A written paper that covers all of the items listed in the checklist
- Each section of the checklist should be considered as a separate set of paragraphs that includes a unique heading. This makes your paper easier to read and follow  

Project Schedule:
- An MS Project schedule of your project that contains at least 25 activities
- Each activity will have a start and end date
- At this point, you will assign resources to your activities
- You will have work packages as part of your schedule 
- Highlight changes to your schedule via using different colors/fonts to note that these are changes
Attached is a checklist & overview to help you with your paper portion of Assignment #2