Online assessment

Online Assessment 13 & 14

1. How can school personnel identify an evidence-based practice or program? What resources might they consult during this process?

From our readings we learned that evidence-based practices are gathered by studying multiple sources where there is an evidence of positive effects concerning interventions under verified inspection (Ranjbar, 2011). Many groups, however, have collected more pieces of evidence which support this claim but cannot substantiate them since they find it difficult to tell which lacks a stronger evidence than the other, school personnel there for can use decision makers in the schools in speaking about this. In instances where the competition tightens, Programs with the most appropriate evidence is used among others by the help of the decision maker.

For published emotional, social or behavioral program intervention, which happens to be well researched by students, others, however, lack adequate research to substantiate their effectiveness school personnel hence Need to assist school administrator in making decision for the student who is the best and aim at promoting a good behavior in the children. Other specialists like the specialist in behavioral theory and consultants can also help in review and determine the best.

2. What is fidelity of implementation and why is it important?

Fidelity implementation happens when direct institutional strategies are utilized by a teacher in delivering curriculum content in a similar way that the content was designed to be used. Some of the significance of fidelity implementation on various curriculum include; it is of importance in the efforts to achieve similar results that a researcher obtained during the research practice (Wang, Hou and He, 2015). However, when there are changes to curriculum presentation then what the student will be is of unclear consequence.

In addition to that, implementation of fidelity is important in teaching lessons with the aim of their presentation by the publisher. Moreover, teachers observe recommended by the publisher when coaching the lessons. In addition to this, the teachers are instructed on the number of lessons to be taught in each week and use the recommended homework pages activity sheet and questions the publisher suggests. This allows students to put into practice their learned skills.

3. Discuss at least three actions that school personnel can take to promote the fidelity of implementation of a new practice or program.

School personnel should stick to practice or program procedures they are meant to adhere to through activities like; following the instruction recommended by the script, ensuring implementation among groups good sizes(Norman, Dore, and Grierson, 2012). Moreover, the program or practice need to be should be implemented as many times as recommended like daily or twice a week aiming at the maximum utility.

In addition to that, implementation of the program should be done for the period it is prescribed to be done. Such may include in a whole one academic year or just a semester. It should also be done with the most appropriate skills recommend for implementation of .procedures by the institution.

4. Discuss four goals of ongoing PD support.

Give support for continuous improvement of educators by coming up with new structures to aim this and at the same time intensification of the prior existing ones with the goal creating opportunities for ongoing professional development and study enhancement. Apart from giving this support the other goal is the expansion of monitoring support for apprentice teachers and takes the fact that new experienced teachers in a district need specialization is considered(Daniels et al., 2012).

Another goal is to provide functional support through means of individual PD plan and corrective action for all educators.Teachers and leaders for schools utilize the learning in prioritizing the areas that require improvement in the process of developing individual plans with the supervisor's consultation.

5. The sixth-grade teachers at Jefferson Middle School are implementing a new math program this year. School personnel identify the key procedures of the program (see below). Using these step-by-step procedures, help the Jefferson Middle implementation team create a fidelity measure (e.g., observation form, teacher survey). Hint: Be sure to include items related to quality of implementation.

To implement a math program of significance to the learners, the teachers should first explore on the math program with the aim of obtaining all necessary information; The teachers should then install the implementation of the program into use. After the installation, there should be initial application which is partially brought to practice by the teachers (Haryati, 2014)

The initial request should then be followed by full implementation of the program after with there is expansion and scale line up regarding the math program the steps are of dynamic flow hence easing the work. Some work, however, needs to revisit hence the teacher may be forced to revisit earlier stages.


Haryati, S. (2014). An Evaluative Review of School Accreditation Implementation Program in Indonesian Contexts. International Education Studies, 7(5).

 Daniels, L., Frenzel, A., Stupnisky, R., Stewart, T. and Perry, R. (2012). Personal goals as predictors of intended classroom goals: Comparing elementary and secondary school pre-service teachers. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 83(3), pp.396-413

Wang, L., Hou, J. and He, K. (2015). Fidelity, sub-fidelity, super-fidelity and their preservers. International Journal of Quantum Information, 13(03), p.1550027.

Ranjbar, V. (2011). Evidence-based ethical problem solving to guide practise in psychology research. Europe’s Journal of Psychology, 7(1).

Norman, G., Dore, K. and Grierson, L. (2012). The minimal relationship between simulation fidelity and transfer of learning. Medical Education, 46(7), pp.636-647.