7 page assignment

Running Head: APPRAISAL 0

Performance Appraisal

Michael A. Leonard

Walden University

IPSY 8576

Advanced Personnel Psychology

Professor James Cunningham


This is the process of assessing something or someone with the aim of determining their value or worth. The process of appraisal can only be done by trained experts who are impartial to the specific organization that is being assessed. This is the reason why most big companies like the Greenway Inc. will opt to find an appraisal company that will conduct the appraisal. When you choose people from within the company to do the appraisal, in most cases the results acquired will not be accurate because of bias and impartiality. People will tend to favor their favorites and unfairly judge those that they do not like.

For some companies, appraisal is done yearly or for some monthly especially if it involves a small company. The process goes a long way in determining the value of the company and its employees (Murphy, 2008). It helps give a clear picture of the performance of the company. Some of the ways in which the Greenway Inc. Company can use appraisal results include;

Employee Development

This is the building and sharpening of the employee’s skills to make them better performers in their various areas of jurisdiction. If Greenway Inc. wants to improve its level of production, it needs to make sure that it focuses part of its time in making the employees better than when they joined the company. The best way to go about that is through the appraisal results. From the results (Laureate Education, 2013d):

  • Greenway Inc. will be able to identify the best performing employees. By singling them out, they will be used as examples to others where by other employees will be encouraged to be as hardworking as the rest. It is important that the company establishes good role models within the workforce that the rest can admire and so work towards being like them

  • From the results, the company will be able to put in motivation procedures for the employees. It is necessary the best performing employees are encouraged and motivated so that they can perform better than they are. If workers are doing their best and they feel that they are not appreciated, they will be demoralized and so reduce their level of production.

  • The results will help Greenway Inc. know who are performing poorly in their work. It is not always the case that when one is performing poorly it is out of laziness (Murphy, 2008). At times, it could be due to issues at the workplace or problems back at home. All these create an unsuitable working condition therefore poor performance. Once the company has realized what is making its employees be poor at their work, it will take the needed measures to improve the working conditions for better production.

  • It is only appraisal that can alert the management that there is need to begin training workshops for the employees. If appraisal is not done, the company may assume that all is well when in the real sense the employees need to be trained on how to do their work in line with the new technology.

Pay Raises or Bonuses

If there is a sensitive area even in the Green way company, it is the section of paying people. When it comes to money, people tend to be a little more sensitive. The way Greenway pays its people is very important because it will determine how the employees will work as it is the highest form of motivation in organizations today. Appraisal will help a lot in knowing how to go about paying people or raising salaries in that (Laureate Education, 2013d).;

  • The employees who will have increased their level of production to noticeable heights will have their salaries increased because they are doing a good job. It is only fair that if one has worked so hard to increase production, they should be appreciated (Rynes, Gerhart & Parks2005).

  • At times people decide to go back to school to study so that they can gain more skills. It is during appraisal that those who have increased their level of study since they joined the Greenway Inc. Company will be added more salary because they have acquired more skills.

  • During appraisal, the company gets to know its value which includes the loses and benefits that it has made. This will help them know if the company has improved so that they can review the salaries and see if there is need to raise the level of salaries of the employees.


The major reason for performing appraisals as mentioned earlier to is to determine the worth and value of people. For one to be given more duties or any sort of promotion, they must be of great value in terms of production and effectiveness. The well performing employees can be given promotions because they have proven to can handle an office. If there is no vacant position, they can be kept on the waiting list as people who can be considered for a position in case it arises.

Not only does appraisal help in promoting people but it also goes a long way in demoting people. When people are given office, at times they tend to relax thinking that no one will ever know what they have been up to. If any leader is found to have used their office the wrongly or not having done that which they were expected to do, they will be demoted and other people given their jobs because they are failing the company.

Talent management

This is the management of the ability, competency and the power of employees within a company. This is made possible during the appraisal because the management has an opportunity to interact with its employees at a personal level. Once the appraisal has been done, the company is at the position of individually monitoring the development of the employees. It is the time for them to focus on what they can do to better the abilities of the workers. For those who need training, they are taken out for workshops, for those who need motivation they are motivated.

Explain how you might revise the performance appraisal process for Greenway Inc. to make it more effective and standardized.

In carrying out appraisal, there are so many factors that need to be taken into consideration. Organizations are never the same therefore people cannot assume that the same way of appraisal can be used across the border. When conducting an appraisal especially for a company like Greenway Inc. there are factors that need to be put in place to make sure that the process is as effectual as possible;

In carrying out appraisals, the company size matters. The Green way company is one of the biggest companies in real estate business in the USA therefore the number of workers is quite high. The company needs to make sure that during the assessment, the ratio of workers to the assessor is low. This is to make sure that the assessors are not overloaded by a lot of work so that they can do a thorough job. If they are not careful to make sure that the assessors are not overloaded, they will do a poor job because they have so many people to asses and so fatigue may affect the quality of their work.

The type of occupation business that the company majors on is also quite important. The Greenway Inc. is a company that deals in the real estate business meaning that most of the work is done outdoors where clients are taken to see the houses or land that they want to buy. In such a company people will have different occupations and so the assessors need to be assigned departments in which they have specialized on. For example, in the accounts section the assessors must be good in numbers. If they decide to appoint a person who knows nothing about accounts, the employees can easily fool them from knowing the wrongs that they have done. In the sale of houses and land, a specialty on the law that guides the selling of land should be assigned this department because he can easily tell when something wrong has been done (DeNisi & Kluger 2000).

As mentioned earlier on, The Greenway Company needs to use an appraisal company that is known for low or no levels of impartiality in their assessments. This will go a long way in making sure that the appraisal method is reliable because all forms of biasness will have been eliminated. It is important that the company looks at all possible forms of bias that may interfere with the results and so all that they can to eliminate it.

The amount of time that is allocated to this process by the Greenway Company needs to be changed. For accurate results, enough time needs to be given to the assessors so that they can explore all aspects of the inspection that they need to. The time allocated should be in line with the number of employees where the more the employees the more the time allocated. If work is done hurriedly, some important things may be left out therefore inaccurate results.


DeNisi, A. S., & Kluger, A. N. (2000). Feedback effectiveness: Can 360-degree appraisals be improved? Academy of Management Executive, 14(1), 129–139.
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Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2013d). Performance appraisals [Interactive media]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Murphy, K. R. (2008). Explaining the weak relationship between job performance and ratings of job performance. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 1(2), 148–160.
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