SCM420: Procurement and Acquisition

Organization Name

Student Name


Table of Contents

Organizational Overview 3

Materials Purchased 4

Bid and Proposal Documents 5

Contract Types 6

Third-Party Logistics (3PLs) 7

Supplier Relationship Management 8

Contract Closeout 9

Maintaining Supplier Performance 10

Memo to Procurement Officer 11

References 12

Organizational Overview

Unit 1

This section includes a description of the organization, including the type of organization (governmental or commercial) and its primary industry or level of government.

Materials Purchased

Unit 1

This section should contain a description of the types of materials or services purchased for the organization.

Bid and Proposal Documents

Unit 2

This section will contain a discussion of the specific bid and proposal documents used in the procurement activities within your chosen organization.

Contract Types

Unit 3

This section will include the contract types used for procurement activities within your chosen organization.

Third-Party Logistics (3PLs)

Unit 4

This section will contain a discussion of third-party logistics (3PLs). You will define 3PLs and discuss the use of 3PLs in your organization. If your organization does not use third-party logistics, describe the reasons why.

Supplier Relationship Management

Unit 4

This section will contain a description of the supplier relationship management activities that your organization uses.

Contract Closeout

Unit 5

This section will contain a description of how your organization ensures the products or services procured meet expectations. You will also discuss how you will finalize payments to suppliers.

Maintaining Supplier Performance

Unit 5

This section will discuss supplier performance metrics and the use of supplier audits to maintain supplier performance during the contracting period.

Memo to Procurement Officer

To: Procurement Officer

From: Student Name

Date: Month, Day Year

Subject: Procurement Plan

Justify using this procurement plan in a memo to the procurement officer at your chosen organization. As part of the justification, describe how the plan aligns with the organizational strategy or mission. This will be completed in Unit 5.


Johnson, P. F., & Flynn, A. E. (2014). Purchasing and supply management (15th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.