worksheet part 2

University of Phoenix Material

Technology Trends Worksheet

Imagine you work for a health care organization and have been asked to develop a proposal on how the organization might adopt a technology trend to improve the quality of the health care delivered to organization members.

Examples of technology trends:

  • Telemedicine

  • Optical imagery for diagnosing disease

  • Electronic health records

  • Telehealth

  • Video translation services

  • Dictation services (e.g., Dragon NaturallySpeaking)

  • Medical equipment

  • Health care robots

  • Neural engineering

  • Intelligent mobile devices

  • National health care information network

  • A technology trend approved by your faculty

Select and research two technology trends.

Complete the table below by explaining the trend’s use, the effect of the trend on the health care industry, the benefits of adapting the selected trend, and how the selected trend will improve the quality of health care delivered.

Technology Trend

Explain its Use (50 to 150 Words)

Explain Their Effect on the Health Care Industry (50 to 150 Words)

Explain the Benefits of Adapting the Selected Trend and How the Selected Trend Will Improve the Quality of Health Care Delivered (50 to 150 Words)

Electronic health records

An electronic health record refers to a digital version of data concerning a patient’s paper chart. This data is appropriate because it can easily be obtained by individuals that are authorized. The health information of patients is easily organized in a format through which individuals can easily access it and share with others. With healthcare information being stored and organized with utilization of this technology, it therefore becomes easy for healthcare providers to consult others and protect their patient’s information through authorization restrictions.

The electronic health record technology has made a significant difference in the healthcare industry. To begin with, the technology has significantly improved the means through which physicians share data with regard to consultancy. With the technology, they attain the ability to share the data with others instantly and thus attain a feedback to their queries. The technology has also increased the means through which individuals protect patient data from being accessed by others who are not authorized. Patient data protection and privacy sustainability is of extreme importance. Patients simply attain confidence in many healthcare organizations through the understanding of the services that the organization renders. Among the most important aspects that the customers are concerned about is the privacy of their conditions being fully respected and offered by their care givers. Organizations that utilize the electronic health record technology therefore, manage to attract a large number of customers (Health IT, 2017).

Electronic health record systems are significantly beneficial to the healthcare industry. To begin with, the technology helps physicians to tract data over a certain period of time, and thus understand the condition of the patient completely. The technology is also utilized to identify the patients that are due, in order to help them manage to make visits to the healthcare for them to be screened and provided with preventive visits. The other major benefit of this method is the fact that through it, physicians manage to monitor how certain patients respond to specific healthcare improving parameters like vaccines. Adapting this trend, therefore has a significant potential to improve the quality of healthcare delivery.

Healthcare robots

Robots are among the most important aspects that the current scientific development has established. They are utilized in many areas including scientific research. Among these areas is the area of healthcare, where physicians have begun utilizing robots to carry out most of their activities and to enhance their effectiveness. The robot technology is currently being utilized by physicians to help them carryout their routine tasks which they are required to carry out on a daily basis and thus they remain free to attend to more pressing tasks that significantly requires their attention.

Robots have made a significant positive impact in the field of healthcare. To begin with, this field has a major challenge of having less labor providing individuals. Certain organizations therefore have highly demanding patients with less individuals to provide their requirements. Robots have improved this aspect by providing their assistance to individuals who seek medical services through their effective provision of routine services within the healthcare providing organizations. The other important aspect is the fact that unlike human beings, robots do not make simple mistakes. They only respond to the means through which they have been programmed and thus it is important to ensure that individuals manage to increase the necessary improvements.

Adapting to the trend of medical robotics, where healthcare organizations utilize robots to carryout out some of their services is an extremely important aspect that individuals can utilize. The first aspect through which the robotic aspect benefits the healthcare providing industry is by improving the labor provision of the organization. The organizations attain the ability to provide effective services to the patients. The other important aspect through which the trend benefits the industry is by increasing the efficiency of the services that it offers. The organization attain the ability to provide efficient services to its patients when utilizing robots since they do not make humane errors unlike human beings. With all these benefits being put into consideration, it is clear that the robotic adaptation trend makes a significant positive impact to this industry (Healthcare administration, 2017).


Health IT, (2017). Benefits of Electronic Health Records (EHRs): Health IT. Retrieved from

Healthcare administration, (2017). How are Robots Changing Healthcare: Healthcare Administration. Retrieved from