Week 2: Response to Discussion 1 and 2

week 2 Discussion 1

Tara Knox

5/9/2017 4:37:55 PM

New imperialism was the last part of the 19th century, coincided with an era of expansion during which " European nations and Japan extended by restless pursuit of overseas territories." Barnest & Bowles (2014) This was so that the New imperialism could turn toward modernity and industrialists (4.1) In 1890 their was so much poverty it showed terrible bad in the United States and so that's when the Western Frontier was eliminated due to the 1% wealthy and the rest of the nation in depression. Although the Western Frontier is now gone this upset a lot of the American people who dependent on them when ever they had a problem of a safe place to go. This is hen the start of the Manifest Destiny came about it is a belief that if you want something go out and get it. Its the belief, held chiefly in the middle and latter part of the 19th century, that it was the destiny of the American people to expand it's territory over the Whole of North Americans and to extend and enhance its political, social, and economic influences. With the influence of this new act encouraged the killing of lots of Indians and for the gain of land and anything we could use on it by any means necessary. Their was a Captain they called "The Butcher" during this time for the way in which he loved to kill. " In war their is only one thing I have to do and that's to kill." Wood, (2010) This man had half a million Cuban's rounded up in to death camps with little to no food and many diseases. Americans used what was going on in Cuba to their benefits making it seem like they where their on an Humanitarian Act to save the Cuban people. The American believed if they played their cards right that this war could also help them solve their problem with China. Theodore Roosevelt and a few other believed that it was time the United States inserted it's will around the globe. the invasion of Cuba was June 10 Guantanamo Bay which was a very easy task for us because we had Cuban missionaries on the ground helping the Americans to take over then they take and torture and kill Cuban when they get their. After about 5 weeks of fighting most the soldiers died from disease not in war several weeks after. The expansion of the West all in all was to gain land and to take anyway they seen fit. The idea of imperialism followed a manly course of action to increase the American Strength. Woods, (2010) A quote still famously used today from Mark Twain says " We have gone their to conquer not redeem " as so many thought during that very difficult times.

Barnes, L. & Bowles, M. (2014) The American Story: Perspective and encounters from 1877. San Diego, CA. : Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

Wood, S. (2010) To Conquer or Redeem { Series Episode} ING. Lucas ( Executive Production) Manifest Density.