05D1-00-Rank these eight leadership competencies in order of importance to you and describe how the unique requirements of public administration influenced your ranking decisions.

Value Card Sort This Card Sort Activity can be used to help you complete the assignment in Unit 5 by allowing you to explore the values that influence your guiding principles status incometime with familybeing outdoors being creative meaningful workservice to othersfinding solutionsflexible schedulegeographic location recognitionopportunity for advancementcooperative or teamworkautonomyphysical activity intellectually challengingmentor others authority leadershippersonal growth leisure time citizenship role securityinfluence peoplesupervision First, look through all of the cards to get an overall sense of the options available.

Next, eliminate ten (10) cards which hold the least value for you. This should be relatively simple compared to the next task.

From the remaining fifteen (15) cards, select your top five (5) personal values. From there, narrow your selection to the top three (3). This task should be challenging as you may feel pulled between making the choices. Remember that this process should reflect your priorities right now; life is fluid and thus your choices may be different from a few years ago or from a few months from now.

Leadership, like life, is about making choices. How you lead will be a reflection of the choices you make and those choices will be heavily influenced by your underlying values. This is true whether you are conscious of it or not. Now that you have completed this task, reflect on the values you selected as priorities versus the ones you discarded. Did the final list surprise you? Which selections were simple and which ones were challenging? What provoked serious self reflection?” From there, reflect on how each of these values, as you have prioritized them, might influence your leadership approach. Of course, you are free to go back and rearrange your list. But whether you proceed from your current list of values or a revised one, carefully consider the implications of your stated value priorities as you complete your personal leadership profile.

Now that this activity is complete, be sure to incorporate the results of this exercise into your appraisal of your guiding principles as you complete assignment u05a1 in Unit 5.